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areas were highly disturbed by past urbanization /construction activity. <br />No archaeological remains were discovered during this field inspection. <br />Tberefore, at this time, there is no basis for assessing the archaeological <br />potential of the APEI and there is presently no means of developing <br />the data necessary for such an evaluation. <br />3. Historical Resources <br />The first step in the effort to identify historic properties in the proposed <br />project area involved an examination and recording of: 1) address of <br />each structure; 2) approximate age of each structure as determined by <br />architectural style condition and other factors; and 3) obvious <br />modifications. <br />The next step was to examine public records such as the building permit <br />Les of the City of Santa Ana to determine the true date of the <br />structures. Residences which were clearly less than fifty (50) years of <br />age and exhibited no notable features or history were eliminated from <br />further research. Parcel numbers and current owner information for <br />those buildings exceeding 50 years of age was obtained from the records <br />of the Orange County Assessor. <br />The final step was to examine archival resources to establish a general <br />history for the proposed project area and to determine if noted <br />historical figures had been associated with any of the structures for <br />which evaluation forms had been prepared. <br />None of the structures within the proposed project area are listed in the • <br />National Register of the California Inventory of Historic Resources. <br />However, numerous structures were found to be over 50 years old, one <br />aspect of National Register consideration. Of these, only the Walker - <br />Residence, located at 1248 West Bishop, was determined to possess <br />sufficient architectural and historical significance to merit further review <br />in accordance with National Register criteria. No other structures less -� <br />than 50 years old were found which would be eligible for listing in the <br />National Register. In recognition of this preservation potential, a <br />Request for Determination of Eligibility (for National Register listing) <br />was prepared. In consultation with the State Historic Preservation _ <br />Officer (SHPO), however, this structure was found not to be eligible for <br />National Register listing (see letter from SHPO, dated May 9, 1988, <br />page XI -1). <br />T <br />The existing transportation network in the City of Santa Ana is comprised of a <br />general pattern of arterial, collector and local streets which provide circulation <br />through the City and access to individual properties. With regard to freeways, <br />the City is situated between four major freeway systems: 1) Garden Grove <br />75C -bt <br />