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Currently, the background one -hour carbon monoxide concentration (18.0 ppm) is <br />below the state and federal standards. However, the eight -hour average <br />background concentration (11.7 ppm) presently exceeds both state and federal <br />standards. Year 2006 one -hour background concentrauuns (14.06 ppm) are <br />projected to be well below the relevant state and federal standards. Ambient <br />eight -hour CO levels in the year 2006 (9.5 ppm) are expected to exceed both state <br />and federal standards (9.0 ppm; see the Appendix in the separate Bristol Street <br />Widening Technical Studies for methodology). <br />At present, sensitive receptors in the project vicinity appear to experience carbon <br />monoxide levels that exceed state and federal standards. Under future conditions <br />with the project, sensitive land uses adjacent to the intersections analyzed will be <br />setback far enough from the intersections to allow dispersion of pollutants and <br />significantly reduce the number of receptors exposed to high concentrations of <br />carbon monoxide. Since only "worst case" conditions were considered in Table 15, <br />carbon monoxide concentrations during conditions which are more likely to occur <br />should be less than those shown. <br />The 1989 Revision of the AQMP includes projections of future carbon monoxide <br />levels in the South Coast Air Basin. At the pollution monitoring station in <br />Anaheim, located within a few miles of the project site, it is predicted that carbon <br />monoxide levels will average above 10 ppm by the year 2010, without the <br />implementation of AQMP attainment strategies. Assuming that the AQMP <br />attainment strategies are put into effect, future background concentrations would ,. <br />range from one to five ppm, a figure low enough to indicate a significant <br />reduction in the number of days exceeding the eight -hour standard in the project <br />vicinity. <br />The 1489 AQMP assumes a level of growth in population and employment <br />consistent with the SCAG -88 Growth Management Plan forecasts, which are .. <br />based on a local jurisdiction's General Plan and implementation of regional <br />jobs /housing balance strategies. The project proposal is consistent with the <br />Circulation Element of the General Plan for Santa Ana; therefore, the project <br />appears to be consistent with the AQMP. Moreover, the project will not <br />adversely impact regional ambient air quality. It will improve several circulation <br />performance characteristics which are instrumental in determining vehicle _. <br />emission rates and thus air pollutant emissions. <br />r The higher speeds resulting from more efficient traffic movement reduces CO <br />emissions from each vehicle. _... <br />rV -18 <br />75C -153 <br />^ <br />