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Staff representatives of both the Southern California Association of <br />Governments and the South Coast Air Quality Management District were <br />contacted to determine how the new AQMP applies to this project. Their <br />response was that the AQMP addresses only transportation projects of state- <br />wide or region -wide significance, such as freeway and highway projects, new <br />transportation corridors, mass transit proposals, etc. Local roadway <br />improvements, such as the proposed Bristol Street widening, are not <br />specifically addressed in the AQMP. Conformity criteria for local highway <br />projects, such as the Bristol Street widening project, have not yet been <br />developed. <br />On November 3, 1987, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued an opinion <br />vacating and ordering disapproval of the Environmental Protection Agency's <br />(EPA's) previous approval of ozone and carbon monoxide (CO) control <br />measures for the South Coast Air Basin (SCAB). The State Implementation <br />Plan (SIP) for ozone and CO in SCAB was disapproved by EPA on January <br />22, 1988. The project is in an area where there is not an approved SIP <br />currently containing any enforceable Transportation Control Measures <br />(TCM's) for ozone and CO. Therefore, the conformity procedures of 23 CFR <br />770 do not apply to this project A SIP revision has been developed for this <br />area by the local air quality and transportation planning agencies, but that SIP <br />revision has not been approved by EPA (Summer 1990). A Federal <br />Improvement Plan (FIP) for the project area was approved by the. EPA on <br />July 30, 1990. Roadway widening projects that do not specifically address <br />existing TCM's have not been included in the FIP. However, the mobile <br />emission analysis of the area's air quality management plan included in the <br />proposed SIP revision is based on a Regional Transportation Plan (and <br />Program) that includes this project. Therefore, it is expected that the project <br />would conform to the FIP and the SIP revision, when it is approved for the <br />project area. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />Measures selected for incorporation in the project include: <br />1. SCAQMD Rule 403 will be adhered to, insuring the clean-up of <br />construction - related dirt on approach routes to the site. <br />2. Adequate watering techniques will be employed to partially mitigate the <br />impact of construction- generated dust particulates. <br />3. Construction equipment will be properly maintained and serviced to <br />minimise exhaust emissions. <br />IV -19 <br />75C -154 <br />