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for approximately 167 residential front yard activity areas. Of these dwellings, <br />68 front onto Bristol Street with direct vehicular access and 99 have vehicular <br />access to a rear alley or to a side street. In addition, seven of these dwellings <br />have noise impacts in rear yard activivy areas (six yards surrounded by chair, <br />link and one with no fencing). Some of these homes would be removed to <br />widen the street. Future noise levels for 15 typical sensitive receptors along <br />the Bristol Street frontage were then estimated to determine what sort of <br />mitigation would be necessary to reduce noise to acceptable levels. In several <br />cases, construction of a six or eight -foot high wall, at the right -of -way line, <br />would achieve satisfactory noise attenuation. In most cases, however, <br />construction of a sufficient noise barrier would conflict with existing driveways <br />and pedestrian access or would reduce vehicular sight distances at comers. If <br />such situations were avoided, the resulting non - contiguous noise barrier would <br />not meet the Caltrans criteria for minimum effectiveness. <br />Second line receptors are buildings that are currently acoustically shielded by a <br />row of buildings located between them and the roadway. Since the proposed <br />project could ultimately result in the removal of 200 existing buildings adjacent <br />to Bristol Street, there is the potential for adverse noise impacts at <br />approximately 200 second line receptors. <br />Barriers should be constructed to shield the second -line receptors that will <br />exceed the 67 Leq criteria (see Figure 19). In addition, barriers could be <br />constructed per current Caltrans practices to shield those second -line receptors <br />where exterior noise levels will approach the 67 Leq criteria. It should be <br />noted that final design may not include barriers at the locations identified as <br />approaching the 67 Leq criteria. <br />Noise attenuation measures that will be incorporated into the "with project" <br />alternative, if feasible, include: <br />1. Replacement of existing barriers that are removed to widen the street <br />by barriers at least six feet high. <br />2. Construction of six-foot block walls on corner lots with access to cross <br />streets, where adequate vehicular sight distances can be maintained. <br />3. Construction of solid sound barriers adjacent to school playgrounds and <br />athletic fields to meet federal exterior noise criteria. <br />4. Construction of six-foot walls to shield residential rear yards, where <br />such rear yards face Bristol Street. <br />5. Construction of six-foot walls at second -line receptor property lines, to <br />meet the 67 Leq federal criteria. <br />IV -21 <br />75C -156 <br />