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4• a 0 u 1. y <br />Short-term acoustic impacts are those associated with construction activities <br />necessary to implement the Bristol Street Widening Project. These noise <br />levels will be higher than the ambient noise levels in the project area today <br />but will subside once construction is complete. Construction is expected to <br />begin in the year 1989, with construction activities occurring over a period of <br />six months. <br />Two types of noise impacts should be considered during the construction <br />phase. First, the transport of workers and equipment to the construction site <br />will incrementally increase noise levels along the roadways leading to and from _ <br />each specific construction site. The increase should not exceed 1.0 dB(A), <br />when averaged over a 24 -hour period, and should therefore be an inaudible ^^ <br />increase to noise receptors located along the roadways utilized for this <br />purpose. <br />Second, the noise generated by the actual construction activities at each <br />construction site should be evaluated. Construction activities are carried out <br />in discrete steps, each of which has its own mix of equipment, and - <br />consequently its own noise characteristics. These various sequential phases <br />will change the character of the noise levels surrounding the construction <br />site as work progresses. Despite the variety in type and size of construction <br />equipment, similarities in the dominant noise sources and patterns of <br />operation allow noise ranges to be categorized by work phase. <br />The earth moving equipment category includes excavating machinery .. <br />(backhoes, bulldozers, shovels, trenchers, front loaders, etc.) and highway <br />building equipment (compactors, scrapers, graders, pavers, etc.). Typical <br />operating cycles may involve one or two minutes of full power operation .. <br />followed by three to four minutes at lower power settings. Noise levels at 50 <br />feet from earthmoving equipment range from 73 to 96 dB(A). <br />The Environmental Protection Agency has found that the noisiest equipment <br />types operating at construction sites typically range from 88 to 91 dB(A) at 50 <br />feet. Although noise ranges were found to be similar for all construction <br />phases, the erection phase (laying sub -base and paving) tended to be less <br />noisy. Noise levels varied from 79 dB(A) to 89 dB(A) (energy average) at 50 <br />feet during the erection phase of construction. <br />City Standards: The construction noise impact to the adjacent noise sensitive <br />land uses will be a temporary nuisance. The City of Santa Ana Noise <br />Ordinance from the Municipal Code requires that construction activities take <br />place only during weekday daytime hours (7 AM to 8 PM, excluding federal <br />IV -22 <br />75C -157 <br />