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General Methods to Reduce Acoustic Impacts <br />There are several basic techniques available to minimise the adverse effects of <br />noise on sensitive noise receivers. Classical engineering principles suggest <br />controlling the. noise source whenever feasible and protecting the noise <br />receptors when noise source control measures are inadequate. Many of the <br />noise source control mechanisms are being applied by state and federal <br />governments. Acoustic site planning, architectural design, acoustic <br />construction techniques and the erection of the noise barriers are all effective <br />methods for reducing noise impacts when source control mechanisms are <br />insufficient to achieve desired results.' <br />The City of Santa Ana is considering the implementation of a program to <br />require "planned water feature treatment" for individual developments in <br />major street corridors. Such a program would require the development of <br />"white noise" sources (i.e., rushing water) in development to mask roadway <br />noise impacts. This treatment would not 'be part of the proposed roadway <br />widening project. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />The following mitigation measures have been incorporated into the project to <br />minimize noise impacts: <br />1. Construction activities will take place only during the hours specified in <br />the City of Santa Ana Noise Control Ordinance to reduce noise impacts <br />during more sensitive time periods_ <br />2. All construction equipment, fixed or mobile, operated within 1,000 feet <br />of a dwelling shall be equipped with properly operating and maintained <br />muffler exhaust systems. <br />3. Stationary equipment shall be placed such that emitted noise is directed <br />away from sensitive noise receivers such as residential areas. <br />4. Stockpiling and vehicle staging areas shall be located as far as practical <br />from occupied dwellings. <br />5. Every effort will be made to create the greatest distance between noise <br />sources and receptors during construction. <br />' A more detailed discussion of available methods to reduce noise impacts is <br />included in the Appendix of the separate Technical Noise Study. <br />IV-41 <br />75C -176 <br />