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6. The noisiest construction operations will be arranged to occur together <br />in the construction program to avoid continuing periods of greater <br />annoyance. <br />The following mitigation measures are suggested for consideration and <br />implementation if determined to be feasible in terms of cost vs. benefit and <br />overall social, safety, economic, and environmental effects. It should be noted <br />that the following noise abatement measures are preliminary and may be <br />changed somewhat during final design, or because of the public involvement <br />process: <br />1. Any residential noise barriers that are removed in conjunction with the <br />project should be replaced with barriers at least 6 feet high. <br />2. For those dwellings on corner lots with access to cross streets which " <br />experience exterior noise, impacts, a six-foot block wall could be <br />constructed at the right -of -way to a point 25 feet from the extension of <br />the intersecting perpendicular curb line of the cross street to reduce <br />exterior noise impacts. <br />3. The construction of sound barriers in front of the homes fronting on <br />Bristol Street would significantly restrict pedestrian or vehicular access <br />and consequently are not proposed at these locations. <br />4. Sound barriers will be 'constructed, if feasible, adjacent to school <br />playgrounds and athletic fields, to meet federal exterior noise criteria <br />for outdoor activity areas. <br />f <br />5. Future design year noise levels will be reduced to meet federal criteria <br />by constructing six-foot noise walls, where feasible, to shield those rear <br />yards of units with side yards facing Bristol Street as shown in Figure <br />19. <br />6. Six-foot block walls will be constructed at second -line receptor <br />residential lots that exceed the 67 L.eq federal criteria to reduce <br />exterior noise to acceptable levels. <br />7. Six-foot block walls will be constructed at second -line receptor <br />residential lots that approach the 67 Leq federal criteria to reduce <br />exterior noise levels. <br />If all locations identified as requiring six-foot high noise barriers were <br />provided with such barriers, the total length of these walls would be ., <br />approximately 9,385 feet, at a total cost of approximately $675,720. The actual <br />N -42 <br />75C -177 <br />