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The pop.... ed widening of Bristol Street will have a positive effect upon the <br />-os <br />visual quality of the streetscape by providing a uniform appearance to the <br />public improvements. Uniform improvements will provide visual continuity <br />which is lacking in the existing streetscape. The roadway improvements will <br />also include a substantial amount of additional landscaping within the public <br />right -of -way which will help soften the often harsh and utilitarian appearance <br />of an urban arterial and provide an amenity for the street. The proposed <br />project will also present an opportunity to place existing overhead utility lines <br />underground, thereby reducing the visual clutter of the existing streetscape. <br />The proposed street widening project will have a significant impact upon many <br />of the properties fronting Bristol Street, which will subsequently produce a <br />substantial effect upon the appearance of these properties and the appearance <br />of the streetscape as a whole. The project would require the full acquisition of . <br />_. <br />numerous parcels along the street under any of the widening alternatives. <br />These properties would be removed of development, resulting in vacant, <br />° <br />"leftover" parcels alongside the widened roadway. The treatment of these <br />leftover parcels will substantially affect the visual character of the street. The <br />larger of these parcels could possibly be redeveloped satisfactorily with new <br />commercial or residential projects, but the smaller remnant parcels would <br />.. <br />likely produce substandard projects of marginal quality if they were attempted <br />to be redeveloped. Some of these parcels might be sold to adjacent property <br />owners and used as an expansion area for existing development. Another <br />possibility is for these remnant parcels to be incorporated into a large <br />landscaped parkway adjacent to the widened roadway. The creation of such a <br />parkway would dramatically alter the appearance of the streetscape by <br />extensively introducing a naturalistic element to the street in the form of <br />substantial roadside landscaping. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />W <br />1. Consideration will be given to placing existing overhead utility lines .. <br />along the street underground as part of the proposed project. <br />2. A coordinated theme will be developed for landscaping and improve- <br />ments within the widened street right -of -way. <br />3. A strategy will be developed for the use and treatment of remnant <br />parcels adjacent to the widened roadway, in consultation between the <br />Project Area Committee (PAC) and City staff. <br />IV-44 <br />75C -179 <br />