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amount and cost of noise barriers will be somewhat less, due to various access <br />and sight distance constraints. <br />ConseQuences <br />The discussion of light and glare addresses the affect of increased illumination <br />levels associated with the proposed project and the impact of intruding glare <br />from street lighting fixtures upon neighboring land uses. Illumination levels on <br />• surface can be quantitatively described through a unit of measure ]mown as <br />• foot candle (equal to the amount of light on a surface that is one foot from <br />• point source of light of one candle). Glare is a more qualitative factor <br />which describes the harshness of the actual light source (or a reflection) when <br />it is tmshielded to the viewer's eyes. <br />Daytime illumination sources in the project area are minimal and consist of <br />sun light, traffic signals, and scattered signage from businesses located along <br />the roadway. Glare is the predominant source of light during the daytime <br />hours. Sources of glare include reflection from the roadway, sidewalk, <br />business, residential windows, and motor vehicles (i.e., windows and chrome). <br />Nighttime illumination sources include street lighting, traffic lights, parking lot <br />lighting, interior and exterior lighting from businesses and residences, <br />commercial signage, and headlights from motor vehicles. Sources of glare are <br />limited to reflections from vehicle glass and chrome. <br />The widening of the existing right -of -way, in accordance with the preferred <br />alternative, will not result in a significant increase in the daytime or nighttime <br />illumination levels. All existing street lighting facilities will be relocated in <br />order to accommodate the increased right -of -way width. <br />Construction of a widened roadway along the selected alignment will have <br />little appreciable impact on light and glare. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />1. Consideration will be given to the selection of new street lighting <br />fixtures which have cut -off shields to minimize light and glare nuisances <br />for residential properties adjoining Bristol Street. <br />I IV-43 <br />75C -178 <br />