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b. sold to adjoining land owners;or <br />C. landscaped, thus extending the public parkway by varying depths. <br />2. All households and businesses that are displaced will receive relocation <br />assistance from the City of Santa Ana, as previously described. <br />Affected minority groups will be relocated to comparable <br />neighborhoods, if so desired, within the City of Santa Ana and <br />surrounding communities. <br />3. The Project Area Committee (PAC) will address various alternatives to <br />keep displaced businesses within the immediate project area. Such <br />alternatives may include establishment of a small shopping mall within <br />the Bristol Street project area. <br />P. IMPACTS ON RECREATIONAL FACILITIES <br />Consequences <br />The proposed project will not result in an increased demand for recreational <br />facilities in the City of Santa Ana The impacts associated, with local <br />playground facilities are discussed in Section IV.Q, following. <br />Mitigation '_Measures <br />See Section IV.Q, following. <br />Q. IMPACTS ON COMMUNITY FACILITIES <br />Schools and Related Recreation Facilities <br />Right -of -way requirements for the selected alignment would affect school sites <br />abutting this segment of Bristol Street, as follows: <br />-- Santiago Elementary School. As discussed in Section II -C -3 herein, the <br />preferred alternative would completely avoid any right -of -way <br />acquisition or street widening along the school site frontage, since it has <br />been determined to qualify as a 4(f) site. With construction of a six- <br />foot block wall along the street right -of -way, noise impacts would be <br />reduced below FHWA significance criteria for exterior activity areas. <br />Existing visual intrusion would be reduced with the noise wall and no <br />change in existing access to the site would occur. No proximity impacts <br />would result that would substantially impair the use of this site. <br />-- Jose Andres Sepulveda School - The alignment of the preferred <br />alternative would entail acquiring 30 feet of additional right -of -way <br />N -53 <br />75C -188 <br />