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Due to the large percentage of Hispanic residents within the project area, it is <br />estimated that more than half of the displaced households would contain " <br />Hispanic residents. It is estimated that approximately 10 percent of all - <br />displaces would be Asian households based on Santa Ana unified School <br />District enrollment data for October of 1986, which indicated that 11 percent <br />of all students were of Asian /Pacific Islander ethnicity. No current <br />information is available as to the specific Asian ethnicities within the broader <br />category. The relatively high concentration of these two ethnic groups within <br />the project area unavoidably results in these displacement impacts. Such _ <br />would also be the case for road widening projects in other parts of Santa Ana, <br />where Hispanic and Asian residents are the largest component of the local .- <br />population. The central portion of Orange County, including Santa Ana, <br />Garden Grove, Westminster, Anaheim, and surroundings all contain well- <br />established Hispanic and Asian communities. Displaced Hispanic and Asian ,. <br />households could relocate to these communities if they so desire. <br />Based on field surveys, many of the businesses that would be displaced are , <br />Hispanic- owned, managed, or staffed. A much smaller number of potential <br />displaced businesses are Asian - owned, managed, or staffed. These businesses <br />are primarily neighborhood oriented, relying heavily upon local clientele, <br />probably largely of the same ethnicity. Some of these businesses may be able <br />to relocate within the project corridor on adequately sized remaining parcels. - <br />Others may have to relocate out of the immediate area, into neighboring <br />communities or elsewhere in the City. Still others may find it infeasible to <br />relocate at all due to their inability to reestablish profitability in an unfamiliar <br />area. <br />The net effects of the proposed street widening with respect to neighborhood .� <br />character and minority groups will be most evident in terms of physical <br />appearance and a reduced influence of Hispanic and Asian minorities as <br />components of the local population and local business community. As stated <br />above, these are unavoidable consequences of the preferred alternative, due to <br />the right -of -way acquisition requirements and the fact that Hispanic and Asian - <br />minorities are the largest components of the local population. <br />Mitieation Measures r <br />The following measures are applicable to the preferred alternative: <br />1. Prior to acquisition of right -of -way, the City of Santa Ana will evaluate <br />the desirability of alternative dispositions of all remaining portions of <br />full-take parcels. Where feasible within the development standards of <br />the Zoning Ordinance and in accordance with of the City of Santa Ana <br />policy, such areas will be: ° <br />a. assembled for redevelopment; <br />IV -52 .- <br />75C -187 <br />