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Archaeological Consequences <br />No significant impacts to local archaeological resources are anticipated as a <br />result of the proposed project; however, it is possible that grading activities <br />could uncover such resources. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />1. If potential archaeological resources are encountered during grading, all <br />work will be halted in that particular location until a qualified archaeo- <br />logist can evaluate the significance of the recovered materials. <br />Historical Consequences <br />There are no historic structures located in the project area which are eligible <br />for National Register listing, according to a negative Historic Property Survey <br />Report (HPSR) and correspondence from the SHPO, as documented in <br />Section IX. <br />The widening of Bristol Street could potentially have an impact on subsurface <br />level artifacts deposited some time since the recordation of human events. <br />However, the probability of finding subsurface artifacts is considered to be low <br />due to the highly disturbed nature of the project area <br />Mitigation Measures <br />The measures cited in the Historic Property Survey Report (HPSR) will be <br />observed. <br />U. IMPACTS TO TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES <br />The preferred alternative would not have any impacts on rail or airborne <br />traffic. No rail lines cross the project area and the project is not located in an <br />area constrained by airports or airborne traffic. <br />The proposed project, however, have a major effect on the local circulation <br />system. As is indicated in Section L Need for Improvements. Bristol Street is <br />extremely congested during peak travel hours at present. Future projections <br />indicate that this condition will worsen as traffic is expected to increase. The <br />following analysis compares the preferred project alternative (Future With <br />Widening) to the No- Project condition (Future Without Widening). <br />Future traffic volumes, for the target year 2006, were developed using <br />historical and projected traffic, development and population data obtained <br />from the City of Santa Ana Comparison of past and present traffic volumes <br />IV -59 <br />75C -194 <br />