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along Bristol Street revealed the growth in traffic to be approximately one <br />percent per year. In the Five -Year Transportation Study Update to 1990 <br />Prepared by Basmaciyan- Damell, Inc., June 1985; the projected increase in <br />area -wide traffic volumes, south of the project area, was anticipated to be <br />greater than one percent per year. The volume of traffic on Bristol Street <br />north of Warner Avenue is however consistent with a one percent per year - <br />growth rate. <br />It was assumed that in the year 2006, all roads would be built out to their - <br />ultimate widths, as designated on the Orange County General Plan - Master <br />Plan of Arterial Higkhways Component County of Orange, Environmental <br />Management Agency, 1982. <br />Future Roadway Link QUacity Without Widening <br />Evaluation of the operating conditions Bristol Street would experience under <br />future year 2006 traffic volumes was based upon the same methodology as was <br />described under Section I. Table 1 in Section I summarizes the project traffic <br />volumes on each link with their corresponding levels of service. <br />Under the "no- project" alternative, each link of Bristol Street from Memory <br />Lane to Warner Avenue would experience a Level of Service of "F ". Traffic <br />on Bristol Street would be extremely congested and motorists would <br />experience a great deal of delay at all major intersections. <br />Due to the limiting nature of a road system, there is an upper limit to the <br />volume of traffic which any roadway can carry. When traffic volume demand - <br />exceeds these limits the remaining traffic will be forced onto adjoining roads in , <br />the circulation system and affect their corresponding road capacities. The <br />traffic projections on Bristol Street north of McFadden Avenue are expected <br />to exceed the theoretical maximum roadway capacity for a four lane undivided <br />highway and the remaining traffic is expected to seek alternative routes. <br />However, because there are many variables that can affect the roadway <br />capacity, no attempt was made to quantify the theoretical maximum. The <br />traffic volumes projected for the future year 2006 may, therefore, be higher <br />than the roadway can actually accommodate. <br />Future Intersection Capacity Without Widening <br />ICU calculations were also performed at each signalized intersection for future <br />traffic volumes under existing lane configurations. Table 4 in Section I <br />summarizes the anticipated V/C and intersection LOS values that are <br />anticipated under the no widening alternative. <br />.m <br />75C -195 <br />