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A commitment of resources associated with construction activities, including <br />concrete, steel, asphalt, base material, and additional energy in the form of <br />gas and electricity would be used during construction. <br />� � u :: uio • .r I • � <br />Impacts of the preferred alternative on the natural, physical, and social <br />environment have been discussed in the preceding sections. Mitigation <br />measures to reduce these adverse impacts have been identified, however, not <br />all adverse impacts can be reduced to an insignificant level. The remaining <br />insignificant and significant adverse impacts are summari zed below: <br />Insignificant Impacts Which Cannot be Fully Mitigated <br />Temporary construction detours would cause 'added congestion to <br />Bristol and local streets adjacent to the detour. Businesses within the <br />detour area would experience a drop in business activity affecting, to <br />various degrees, the sales tax revenue. A considerable amount of <br />inconvenience to the travelling public would occur in the immediate <br />vicinity of the project. Air quality surrounding the high activity areas <br />during construction would suffer a temporary degradation. Noise and <br />vibrations would also be an unavoidable adverse impact in the same <br />areas. Temporary disruption of utility services may occur during <br />construction. <br />Although these impacts cannot be fully mitigated, with the measures <br />cited in Section IV.V, the impacts would be mitigated to insignificant <br />levels, particularly given the temporary nature of construction- related <br />impacts. <br />2. Air Quality <br />Although the preferred alternative, on an overall basis, will have a <br />beneficial impact on air quality by increasing speeds and reducing <br />delays, the increased speeds will result in greater emissions of nitrogen <br />dioxide (NOx). The increase in NOx over the No- Project alternative, <br />however, is an insignificant one percent (525 pounds per day as <br />opposed to 520 pounds per day). <br />IV -89 <br />75C -224 <br />