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Freeway is a regional improvement that is expected to relieve the <br />congestion of the Route 55 Freeway through Costa Mesa. <br />3. "If I had known about possible redevelopment, I would not have <br />bought my house. I have found that the price of my house will <br />decrease." <br />Response <br />Mr. Eaton's property is north of the proposed Redevelopment Project <br />Area and is not impacted by it. The north boundary of the project is <br />21st Street. <br />4. "1 have been told that there is some type of consensus that is <br />being done near the streets of the area. However, I have asked <br />residents if any person has talked to them in the last two or <br />three years about the project, and have received information that <br />no one has at all." <br />Response <br />The area where Mr. Eaton lives received notification of a public <br />meeting ibat was held in October of 1988, at Rancho Santiago College. <br />At that meeting the staffs proposal for the street widening was <br />discussed at length. <br />Comments by: Florence Leach <br />1. `Phis is about the impacts on the existing land uses. They say in <br />the E.I.S. that they do -- are not known at this time, so that is W <br />some of the things that the staff should consider and also include <br />in the information that will be future coming." <br />The DEIS contains an extensive discussion of impacts on existing land <br />uses and mitigation measures therefore, under the topics of Housing <br />Displacement (p. IV -43), Business Displacement (pp. IV-43 to N -46), _ <br />Neighborhood Character and Minority Groups (pp. IV-46 to IV-48), <br />and Community Facilities (pp. IV -48 to IV -52). <br />From 133 to 236 housing units would be displaced, depending on the <br />widening alternative selected. Between 41 and 99 businesses would be <br />displaced, depending on the alternative selected. The neighborhood's <br />physical character would change substantially, due to the removal of <br />V-8 <br />75C -235 <br />