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numerous buildings and improvements and the construction of a wider, <br />extensively landscaped street corridor. The local population would be <br />reduced by several hundred people, many of whom would be of <br />Mpanic or Asian ethnicity. The City would provide relocation <br />assistance including direct payments, to all displaced households and <br />businesses. In addition, the Project Area Committee will evaluate <br />alternatives for keeping displaced businesses within the project area. <br />Several community facilities sites would lose portions of their street <br />frontage, due to a widened section of Bristol Street. These facilities <br />included public schools, day care centers, churches, and Mater Dei High <br />Scbool. No 4(f) properties would be acquired. <br />2. "Also, that there is medium /high density residents on both sides <br />of Third Street — this is page 111 -47 -- east side of Bristol Street, <br />Third Street, and west side of Bristol Street. So the impact on <br />the traffic situation in Santa Ana is being compounded <br />tremendously by multiple housing, apartment complexes." <br />Response <br />The DEIS discussion on page M-47 simply refers to the City's current <br />General Plan land use designations in the project area, which include <br />medium and medium -high density residential along Third Street, near <br />Bristol Street. <br />3. "Also, that if there is higher density redevelopment projects -- <br />and this is III -26 -- but the City says it has no such plan at this <br />time for higher density redevelopment if there is a redevel- <br />opment project" <br />Response <br />The City's Redevelopment Plan, by law, must be in conformance with <br />the City's General Plan. The Santa Ana General Plan does not <br />designate high density residential along any portion of the project <br />corridor. <br />4. "And 1 know Mr. Casteix spoke about the height on fences and a <br />fencing ordinance; therefore, I would suggest that sound barrier <br />walls be no higher than 4 feet. So if we are going to make a <br />uniform ordinance about fences, then to me, a sound barrier wall <br />is more or less a fence. It's a wall. So we should limit the <br />height of fences. That would -- the sound barrier walls, the air <br />V -9 <br />75C -236 <br />