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pollution confined in that area, someone who has to stop at a <br />stoplight is going to be — it is really going to be pretty bad." <br />Noise barriers must be a minimum of 6' tall adjacent to at -grade lots to <br />be effective at brealting the line -o£- -sight exposure of individuals <br />standing behind the barrier. Given that the average receptor has ears <br />located 5.5' above the ground, a shorter wall would be ineffective. <br />5. "Also, the 14' wide raised median — that is more than the width <br />of a — one of the lanes, so it seems to me that space is being <br />wasted." <br />Response <br />The proposed street geometrics, including the 14' wide raised center <br />median, are consistent with the Orange County and City of Santa Ana <br />standards for a major arterial roadway. <br />6. "Will the proposed cul -de -sacs create congestion on other <br />east /west street that cross Bristol Street? <br />!: <br />The impacts of traffic diverted as a result of the cul-de -sacs was <br />considered by the traffic analysis and the adjacent intersections will be <br />designed so that the east /west streets will not be overloaded. These <br />impacts and the evaluation of the locations impacted by the traffic that <br />will be diverted by the cul -de -sacs is discussed in detail, beginning on <br />page IV -57, the Proposed Operational Improvement section. <br />7. "What about the proposed extension of the 57 Freeway to the I- <br />405 Freeway ?" <br />R <br />Response "' <br />Please see the previous response to the same comment by Martin John <br />Eaton. <br />Comments by: Jan Lind <br />1. "I do not believe the impact statement addresses those issues <br />(noise level and air quality concerns) sufficiently within the <br />study. National impact people are -- there just is not enough <br />V -10 <br />75C -237 <br />