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4 ZU lttedmdl psplalr / Vol. 31, No. 219 / Thursday. November 13. IM / Rolm and Raiqltdatlous <br />received Sam the the district w driamen <br />{hj =65mboo pursuant to the <br />snelanwwo Parent at 133O.5 U211) must <br />be is writing mud include the <br />tafcemstioa listed below. Nod5caboa is <br />not an admission the( the proposed <br />work would result In mom than minimal <br />impacts to I NJ of the United states: It <br />simply allows the dieffict or division <br />'eapmer to Grant agte+pacific activi ties <br />for aompliame with general permit <br />criteria. <br />41) Nurse. address. and phew number <br />of the minnow permittee; <br />(71 Motion of the dsoagd work: <br />(31 Brief description of the proposed <br />work its parltem. and the approximate <br />sire of the water, including wetlands. <br />which would be lost or substantially <br />adversely modified an a result of tae <br />wmic sod <br />(41 AaY specific information required <br />by the nationwide pence. and any other <br />information that the permittes believes <br />is appropriate. <br />(cI District engineer review of <br />naft6rr ion. Upon receipt of <br />notification. the district engmer will <br />promptly review the general pamittee's <br />notification to determine which of the <br />following proadmee should be <br />followed: <br />(11 If the nationwide permit at <br />13gos(al(rel is involved ad the district <br />enermr detetemisa either. (il the <br />Proposed activity falls wtthm a claw of <br />discharges or will scar in a category of <br />waters which has base previously <br />iced by the Aeponal <br />Administrator. Envtrann=W Fie an <br />Agency-. the Ragtooal Obectr. Fish and <br />Wildlife Service: the Regional Director. <br />National Mriae Fisheries Service. or <br />the heads of Lie appropriate state <br />natural teaooru agencies as being of <br />partladar interest to these sgandr; or <br />id) the particular discharge has not been <br />previously Identified but he believes it <br />may be of importance to thou agencies, <br />he will prom sty forward the <br />notification to the division engineer and <br />the head and appropn" staff officials <br />of thou agencies to afford those <br />agencies an adequate opportunity before <br />such discharge amore to coosidir such <br />notification and express their views, U <br />any, to the district enginar manernins <br />whether individual permits should be <br />required. <br />(21 if the nationwide permits at <br />4 330.5Ial (7). (17), in (21) acv involved <br />and the Environmental Protection <br />Agency. the Fish and Wildlife Service. <br />the Natwnd Marine Fisheries Service or <br />the appropriate state nativai rescrome or <br />wets quality agencies forward concerns <br />to the disiract gnphiser. he will forward <br />thong concern, to the division enpnser <br />together with a statement of the hectare <br />pu dow m ■ detehamtlue of the <br />amrimmanW affects of the pteI I <br />to <br />the b 1](11l and his viewa <br />m the specific paints raid by those <br />agenda& <br />131 If the n Brame tda permit at <br />1330II(a1(211 is iaralnd the district <br />Unsimr will give natter to the <br />Environmental Pfcomdm Agency end <br />the appropriate state water grmtlty <br />■sage). This notice will include an a <br />miadmam the information tegahad by <br />Paragraph (b) of this section. <br />(dl Dirnwn aagrsrranew of <br />notfficaboa. The division enetneer will <br />review all sotifiratioag reirtad m h® <br />in ascotdanae with prsereph (cp) m <br />(cN21 of We inaction. The division <br />sogioeer will require an Individual <br />permit when be determines that an <br />activity does not amply with the terms <br />or conditions of a ttanonunda permit or <br />does not meat the datiattian of a emrsi <br />permit (ace 33 CFR 3222(f) and 3i.9.1(n11 <br />including discharges under the <br />nationwide per att at 139a3(a)(26) <br />which have more than minimal adverse <br />envtra>mectd effects on the aquatic <br />environment whom viewed anther <br />cumulatively or separately- in Machias <br />Ids decision. he will review factors <br />patinant to a determination of the <br />euvwmoemel effects of the proposed <br />discharge. including those met forth to <br />the 404(b)(1) guidelines, and will give <br />toll oonsidention to the views, U any. of <br />the federal and state naturid neaomca <br />agencies identified in paragraph (CI of <br />two section. If the division eagena r <br />deddes that an individual permit is not <br />required. and a federal or appropriate <br />state natural Memnne agency has <br />indicated in wetting that an activity may <br />result in mom than minimal adverse <br />mvwamental hnpacts, he will prepare <br />■ written statement, available to the <br />public on request, which arm forth hie <br />response to the specific points mead by <br />the commentmi; agency. When the <br />dinefon engineer reaches his decision <br />he will notify the district eveamr, who <br />will immediately notify the general <br />permitter of the division ath11 <br />decision. <br />17aw ateredanwyasdrerity <br />Except an provided in parapnpha (e) <br />(21 and (dl of this mctlm division <br />eagesses on their awn i sitlatln or upon <br />recommendation of • disbdct ageimer <br />an sutherised to modify natimwde <br />permits by adding regional mumbeag or <br />to override nationwide permits by <br />ngalrung individual pnmil appbnatims <br />ea • caeaby -case basis. fr a fatsgory <br />of activities. IN m specific geographic <br />areas. Dismadonary authority will be <br />75C -M <br />bead as enaerrares for Me aquatic <br />environment es sxummd in the <br />tlWdelhtw puNbhsd by NPl► parennt to <br />.eamtiogb)f1► Ea r]iR gMl mgt <br />(el ACENn y Spew is comfidon& <br />Divieltia eegjears as eatiaelued to <br />madly iseNeaMde pmmlte by adding <br />indlvidtrl coodftleaa an a rass-by -case <br />basis applicable Mortain activities <br />within their division Activity specific <br />tmdifloaa may be added by the District <br />Eagiamr tn thsta t when there is <br />me al uramt ®l betimire the district <br />e°> <br />and the pirr attim. Furthermore. <br />disk*, ener and wilt condition WWPs <br />with emufidana which have been <br />Imposed on a sUta section 401 water <br />quality catiRpdon issued paramat to <br />1 330.11 of this Part. <br />(b) Regional conditions. Division <br />atgineeta am authorised to modify <br />nationwide permits by adding <br />conditions on a generic basis applicable <br />to certain activities or specific <br />geographic areas within their divisions. <br />In developing regional condition. <br />division and district engineers will <br />follow standard permit processing <br />procedures as prescribed in 33 CFR Part <br />325 applying the evaluation criteria or 33 <br />CFR Pan 320 and appropriate parts of 33 <br />CFR Parts 32L 322. 323. and 324. <br />Division and district engineer+ will take <br />appropriate measures to inform the <br />public of the additional conditions. <br />(c) ladiridual peratip—•(1) Caae -b) - <br />Case. In nationwide parmit rums where <br />additional individual or neponsl <br />conditioning may tom be sufficient to <br />address concerns for the aquatic <br />envbaneam" or when there us out <br />sufficient time to develop such <br />coedldom ender paragraphs (a) w (bl of <br />this merman the division aoemier may <br />suspend use of the nationwide perts,i <br />and require an individual permit <br />appfiauen on a ease- bytssa Basta. The <br />disoim mpmer will evaluate the <br />application and will either issue or deny <br />a permit However, if at any time the <br />Moon for taking duicationary authority <br />In mbsfis3 Lkm rkodivwmis aapwer <br />may negative the ampaesim reactivating <br />authoeiq under the mtionwade permit. <br />Where taw is of the eaeeeos. the district <br />ang ow may tdepkameally rsmmmend <br />am the davieion enema against <br />dUmedanmgy =the" to regcite an <br />Individual permit appliwum fair a <br />specific fictively. If the dtvteba engineer <br />concern. he may onily authoress she <br />district eoghwr to implement that <br />nationality. Ord smlunmtian should be <br />followed by wtdeag amf rondo . <br />(2) Caapgc Additionally. mf r <br />aetlos and mpatlrmiry for palie <br />hsesfts, a" ' ' measure. may decide <br />that imfiviuimi permit a I P , <br />an <br />M <br />v. <br />an <br />M <br />w <br />M <br />NO <br />