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Federal Raglssar / Vol. SL No. 219 1 Thursday, November 23. 100 / Rulm and Aegtiladnns 42259 <br />should be required for categones of <br />activities, or in specific geogmi hic <br />areas. However. only the Chief of <br />Ettgataan may modify, suspend. or <br />revoke nationwide permits on ■ <br />statewide at nationwide baste. The <br />division! eaPaaer .:O a,- alias t.`.a <br />decision to persons affected by the <br />action. The district enguteer will then <br />regulate the activity or activities by <br />processing an app icatioe(B) for an <br />individual permttU) purouanl to 33 CPR <br />Pan 32a. <br />(d) Far the nationwide permit found at <br />1 3304ja)(251, after the applicable <br />provisional of F 330.7(a) (1) and (3) have <br />been satisfied the parenjun's right to <br />proceed under the general permit may <br />be modifted. suspended. or revoked only <br />in accordance weds the procedure set <br />forth in 33 CFR 323.7. <br />(e) A copy of all modifimians or <br />revocations of ach%nues covered by <br />nationwide permits wi0 be forwarded to <br />the Office of the Chief of Engineers. <br />AM DAF-N;-C C)-N. <br />1330.9 Slat weir goWty e.eMlradon. <br />la Stele water quality certification is <br />required far nationwide permits which <br />may result in any diecharye into waten <br />of the United States. If a state issuer a <br />water quality certification which <br />includes special conditions, the district <br />engineer will add these conditions as <br />conditions of the nationwide permit in <br />that state. However. if such conditions <br />do not comply with the provisions of 33 <br />CFR 329.4 or if a state times a required <br />4Ot certification for a particular <br />nationwide permit, authorisation for aft <br />discharges covered by the nationwide <br />permit widna the state is denied without <br />prejudice until the state issues an <br />individual or generic water quality <br />certification or waives its nght to do so. <br />A district e:.pneer will not process an <br />individual permit application for an <br />activity for which euthanzadon has <br />been denied without prejudice under the <br />nationwide permit program. However. if <br />the deviaon engineer dnarminea that It <br />would otherwise be appropriate to <br />exercise his disaettanary authority. <br />pursuant to 1330-11. to overvids the <br />nationwide permit or permit m <br />quastiozi he may do am and the district <br />angmew may proceed with the <br />Processing of individual permit <br />applications. in imtances where a state <br />has denied the 401 water quality <br />certification for discharges under a <br />particaker natiopwide permit. applicants <br />must fumfsh the district enginaa with <br />an individual or genetic 401 certification <br />or a copy of the application to the state <br />for the rarti9eatioo. It a testa fella to act <br />within a reasonable pwiad of time tame <br />1 W.21[b)(1)(d)), a waiver will bg <br />pmumed Upon receipt of an individual <br />or genane ct7tUfution or a waiver of <br />certthcadon. the proposed work Is <br />authorised under the nationwide pamiL <br />If a mute issues a conditioned individual <br />certification. the district engineer will <br />c tide ..oN Watdltlon: teat comply <br />with 33 CFR 325.4 as special conditions <br />of the nationwide permit (see 33 CFR <br />Pan 330.5(0I and notify the applicant <br />that the work in authorized under the <br />nationwide par0ut provided ail <br />ctmdlbunm N met. <br />(b) Certification requiremeou for <br />nationwide permits fall into the <br />following general categonee: <br />(1) No certification raquomd. <br />Nationwide permits cumbervd 1.2.4. S. <br />& & 10. 11. and 19 do not involve <br />activities which may result in ■ <br />discharge and themfora 401 certification <br />is not applicable. <br />f21 Certification samerines re4mrvd. <br />Nationwide permits numbered 3.6. 1. 13. <br />20. 21. 22, and 23 each mvalve venous <br />activities. same of which may result in a <br />discharge and retinue certification, and <br />others of which do not. State denial of <br />certification for any specific natonwde <br />permit in this category effecs on!y those <br />acuvtues mvolvmg discharges. Those <br />not involving discharges remain in <br />effect - <br />J31 Certification menitrd, Nationwide <br />permits numbered 12.14. 15.1& 17. 1& <br />2A. 75. and 211 involve activities. which <br />would result in discharges and therefore <br />401 certification is required. <br />(cl District engineer will take <br />appropnate measures to inform the <br />public of which watwbodfes or region* <br />within the jute, and for which <br />nationwide pennies, an individual 401 <br />water quality cal"cation is required. <br />1730.1* C"fitNSUr'nata0atsra <br />t olarmo att[y daurritmadaie <br />In Los tances where a state has not <br />concurred that a particular nationwide <br />permit is consistent with an approved <br />coastal zone management plan. <br />authorisation for ali activities subject to <br />inch nationwide permit within at <br />affecting the state Mattel zone agency's <br />AMA of authority is denied without <br />prejudice sir. W the applicant has <br />furnished to the district engineer a <br />coastal zone management consistency <br />determination pursuant to sactiod 307 Of <br />the Coastal Zone Mansgament Act and <br />the state has Nocurred in it U a mute <br />does not act on an applicant's <br />consistency sutemaot within mix months <br />after receipt by the meta, comatetmcy <br />*half be presumed District m abn <br />will take appropriate measures to 'form <br />the public of which waterhodi" or <br />regions within the state. and for which <br />nationwide parmita, much individual <br />75C -284 <br />masiatency determination L regained. <br />Dlstretn eeigiomosm will not process any <br />pe t-aporadoe for an activity which <br />Itaa been demad without preludlae <br />ender the astianwide posit Pious. <br />However, if the division aogmear <br />determines that it would odeerwne be <br />Appropifti■ to eaardw hie dimatimary <br />a athtrnty, pansaat to 1 38oA to <br />avermis the nationwide permit of <br />Peeples in questlan he may do w, and <br />the district engineer may proceed with <br />the processing of Individual permit <br />applications. <br />1 330.11 Maderrsrlaa pelele eermkmd a. <br />(a) General permittees may, and in <br />same uses must. request from a district <br />engineer confirmation that an activity <br />complies with the terms and conditions <br />of a nanonwtde permit. District <br />engineers will mapandpromptly to such <br />requests. The response will @tale that <br />the verification is valid for a period of <br />no mom than two years or a lesser <br />period of time if deemed appropriate. <br />Section 330.12 takes precedence over <br />this section, therefore. it is incumbent <br />upon the permittee to remain informed <br />of changes to nationwide permits. <br />iN If the district engines decides that <br />an acnnty does not comply with the <br />terms or conditions of a nationwide <br />permit by will so notify the person <br />destring to do the work and indicate that <br />an Individual permit is required (unlade <br />covered by a regional petmrt)- <br />ic) If the district engineer decides that <br />an activity dons comply with the terns <br />and conditions of a nationwide permit <br />he will me notify the general permittee. <br />In such wee. as with any activity <br />which qualifies under a nationwide <br />permiL The general permilleei'm right w <br />proceed with the actantles under the <br />nationwide permit may be me"ed, <br />mu■pended, at revoked only in <br />accordance with the proceduiea of 33 <br />CFR 325.7. <br />1 330.13 Emisoenan ar trder wAs pertnae. <br />The Chief of E tednem will review <br />natonwide permits an a continual basis, <br />and will decide to either modify. rnmsue <br />(extend) or revoke the permits at least <br />every five year+. If a natimurlde permit <br />is met modified or rmseued within live <br />yawn of publication in the Faderd <br />2spole, it autamallea ly axptres and <br />becomes null and void Authotfzabon of <br />activitin which have commenced or are <br />under smart to conscience in rallanee <br />Span a mtionwida permit will remain in <br />affect provided the activity is completed <br />within twelve months of the data a <br />nationwide permit bas expired or we- <br />revoked uden dismrtionary permit <br />authority has been asitmeed in <br />