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-I- <br />AIR DUALITY COMMENTS <br />Air Quaff Analysis <br />1. The DEIS should provide baseline air quality data, including <br />recent ambient air quality levels. It should also provide a <br />quantitative projection of ambient air quality in the project <br />area with and without the project. orange County is a non - <br />attainment area for carbon monoxide (CO), ozone (03), parti- <br />culates (TSP) and nitrogen dioxide (NOZ). Therefore, the DEIS <br />should discuss these pollutants. Specifically, the DEIS should <br />project TSP levels during construction and NOZ, CO and 03 levels <br />during operation. The baseline information can be obtained from <br />the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD). <br />Existing and projected ambient levels should be compared to <br />the National Ambient Air Quality Standards MADE) and to the <br />California Standards. <br />For each alternative, as appropriate, the assessment of <br />project impacts'should include the following: <br />a) Changes in population and potential commercial growth; <br />b) Changes in vehicle miles travelled (VMT) associated with <br />the growth; <br />c) VMT changes associated with modified travel patterns <br />caused by or related to the project; <br />d) Projected changes in emissions of hydrocarbons, CO and <br />NOx; and <br />e) Maximum projected ambient air quality impacts and levels <br />for each pollutant. <br />Air Quality Modeling <br />2. The DELS should specify which air quality models are used for <br />determining project impacts. This discussion should include <br />inputs and assumptions used to tun the models. Either the <br />California Air Resources Board or the EPA Regional Office, <br />Air Management Division, can provide guidance on modeling. <br />The 03 analysis should be based on Level C highway service. <br />Air Quality Planning Consistency <br />3. The DEIS should document contact with SCAQMD and include a <br />letter certifying that the project conforms to the District's <br />nonattainment area plan (NAP) and thus satisfies Section <br />176(c) of the Clean Air Act. The following issues should be <br />discussed with SCAQMD and described in the DEIS: <br />75C -290 <br />IX -,7 <br />