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-z- <br />a. Whether project emissions have been considered in formu- <br />lating the NAP, and are consistent with emission reduction <br />requirements of the State Implementation Plan (SIP); <br />b. Project consistency with the transportation control measures _ <br />in the SIP and the Regional Transportation Plan; and <br />c. Whether any project- associated population growth is <br />consistent with the population projections in the NAP. - <br />4. We suggest that you use the Air Quality Handbook for Environ- <br />mental Impact Reports published by the SCAQMD for further - <br />guidance on air quality analysis. <br />Alternatives and Mitigation <br />5. Existing mass /public transit available in the project area <br />should be discussed. The DEIS should analyze potential <br />mass /public transit options and identify means to encourage <br />their use. <br />6. For each alternative, the DEIS should discuss appropriate <br />mitigation measures for air quality impacts associated with <br />use of the modified highway and with project construction. <br />The DEIS should analyze the effect of mitigation measures <br />and make clear commitments to implement mitigation. .. <br />WATER QUALITY COMMENT <br />W <br />For each alternative, the DEIS should discuss the project's <br />compliance with State and local water quality management plans <br />and State- adopted, EPA- approved water quality standards. If <br />water quality impacts are identified, the DEIS should also iden- <br />tify appropriate measures to avoid or mitigate for these impacts, <br />both during and after project construction. <br />Comments Nos. 1 through 4 are addressed in Sections III. A. 6. and IV. H. of the <br />FEIS. <br />Comment No. S is addressed in Section II. C. of the FEIS. <br />Comment No. 6 is addressed in Section IV. H. of the FEIS. _. <br />Waterer Comment- <br />Comment is addressed in Section IV. F of the FEIS. <br />W <br />75C -x°99 <br />