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Santa Ana and adjacent communities in this area are heavily urbanized, <br />and the arterial roadway systems for this area are already established. <br />Patterns of travel are also well established. A north /south bypass route <br />is simply not feasible, given the existing development and commuting <br />patterns. Substantial relocation impacts would also occur, even if a <br />feasible and "under capacity" bypass route could be found. <br />A possible southerly extension of the State Route (SR) 57 Freeway, <br />along the Santa Ana River, from the SR -22 Freeway to the I -405 <br />Freeway, is being discussed by regional transportation officials. That <br />project is considered very long range (10 -20 years), due to extensive <br />design review requirements and the lack of available funding for the <br />estimated one billion dollar cost. In any event, projected traffic <br />volumes along Bristol Street warrant additional traffic capacity, with or <br />without the SR -57 extension. <br />6. Mass Transit Alternative <br />The Orange County 20 -year Master Plan of Transportation <br />Improvements, prepared by the Orange County Transportation <br />Commission, contains a Transit Strategy Report which establishes the <br />County's long -range plan and policies for development, a <br />comprehensively multi -model transit system. Within the City of Santa <br />Ana, and near the Bristol Street project corridor, the Transit Strategy <br />proposes an Advanced /Automated Guideway (AGT) facility to connect <br />the central county activity centers between Anaheim and South Coast <br />Metro /IBC (in Costa Mesa and Irvine). The successful implemeritation <br />of this comprehensive transit strategy relies heavily in as yet <br />unapproved sales tax funding. <br />The City of Santa Ana, in conjunction with the Cities of Anaheim, <br />Costa Mesa, Fullerton, Irvine and Orange, are currently discussing the <br />development of an elevated fixed guideway system which would provide <br />this link in Orange County's long -range transit strategy. The proposed <br />alignment is primarily on Main Street, in Santa Ana, with a northern <br />terminus at the multi -model transit station in Fullerton, and the <br />southern terminus at the Irvine Transportation Center. This alignment <br />is preferred because it connects the current and projected activity <br />centers in Central Orange County, Bristol Street, between Civic Center <br />Drive and the South Coast Metro area, is considered a potential <br />alignment, but only if significant redevelopment activity were to occur <br />and it becomes another major activity center. <br />11 -23 <br />75C -68 <br />