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An assessment of the Santiago Creek Channel which crosses Bristol <br />Street south of Memory Lane was prepared in March of 1987 for <br />W11dan Associates by Dr. Richard Vogl of California State University <br />Los Angeles. Dr. Vogl is a recognized specialist in wetlands biology. <br />The following discussion is based on Dr. VogPs assessment. <br />Santiago Creek in the vicinity of the Bristol Street crossing is without <br />wetland features. The floor of the creek has a level rock, gravel, and <br />sand bottom that is apparently graded from time to time by flood <br />control maintenance. The creek bottom lacks a stream channel and is <br />dry except when it receives storm runoff. The banks of the creek have <br />been sloped, contoured, and covered with wire revetment. <br />Typical wetland plants are absent. Weedy upland plants such as wild <br />oats, wild radish, brome grass, black mustard, and curly dock <br />temporarily invade the creek bottom between storm and grading <br />disturbances. A few herbicide- resistant perennial plants such as Boston <br />Ivy and Ice Plant grow on the creek banks. No native plants were <br />found on the creek banks or bottom. Riparian (stream side) trees are <br />missing. <br />Wildlife values are low in this area. Wetland animals cannot be _ <br />sustained in this portion of Santiago Creek. Use by wetland organisms <br />is minimal and restricted, at best, to wet, rainy periods. <br />6. Air Ouality and Climate <br />umma <br />The project area is located within the South Coast Air Basin of <br />Southern California. The air quality of the basin is determined by the <br />primary pollutant emissions added daily and by the primary and <br />secondary pollutants already present in the air mass. Oxidants (90 <br />percent of which are ozone) represent the major air quality problem <br />basin -wide. <br />Ambient air quality within the project area is a function of the primary <br />pollutants emitted locally and the existing regional ambient air quality. <br />It is also determined by the meteorological and topographic conditions <br />which influence the intrusion of pollutants into the area from sources <br />outside of the immediate vicinity. The local climate is Mediterranean, <br />affected primarily by the land /sea breeze. Average local temperatures <br />range from 57° F. in January to 75.8° F. in July. Average annual <br />precipitation is 12.5 inches. <br />111sul <br />75C -81 <br />