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The South Coast Air Basin is a "non - attainment area ", due to the <br />violations of federai air quality standards for carbon monoxide, ozone, <br />nitrogen dioxide and total suspended particulates. California standards <br />have also been exceed for suspended particulates and carbon monoxide. <br />There have been recent improvements in regional air quality, due to <br />control measures required on both stationary and mobile air pollutant <br />sources. Long -range strategies in the Draft AOM? 1982 Revision are <br />expected to further reduce basin -wide pollution levels. <br />The proposed Bristol Street project is located within the South Coast <br />Air Basin (SCAB). The air quality of the basin is determined by the <br />primary pollutant emissions added daily, and by the primary and <br />secondary pollutants already present in the air mass. Oxidants (90 <br />percent of which are ozone) represent the major air quality problem <br />basin -wide. <br />The study area has a Mediterranean climate with warm summers, mild <br />winters, and moderate rainfall. The land /sea breeze is the primary <br />factor affecting the region's mild climate. The daytime winds are sea <br />breezes predominantly from the west which flow at relatively low <br />velocities. <br />These sea breezes exhibit velocities below 15 mph approximately 96 <br />percent of the time, and below 4 mph about half of the tithe, with an <br />average velocity of 5 to 7 mph. During the night, the winds across the <br />basin usually reverse direction. These land breezes flow from the east <br />at 1 to 2 miles per hour.t <br />Average monthly temperatures recorded in the vicinity of the APE[ at <br />the Santa Ana Fire Station range from 57 degrees Fahrenheit in <br />January to 75.8 degrees Fahrenheit in July. Temperature extremes <br />range from a high of 101 degrees during August to a low of 36 degrees <br />in December. Precipitation averages about 12.49 inches annually in the <br />vicinity, with nearly 90 percent occurring between November and <br />March.' <br />t Source: SCAQMD "Air Quality Handbook ", December 1983. <br />z Source: NOAH, "Climatological Data Annual Summary", 1985. <br />III -11 <br />75C -82 <br />