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ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ADDENDUM <br />Bristol Street Widening Project Warner Ave to Saint Andrew Place (Phase IV) <br />unidentified mineral resources. No impact to mineral resources would result from the proposed project. <br />hnpacts would be similar to those identified in the 1990 Final EIS/EIR. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />No new additional mitigation measures are required. <br />(b) Result in the loss of availability of a locally - important mineral resource recovery site <br />delineated on a local general plan, specific plan or other land use plan? <br />The project site is currently developed and is not delineated as a mineral resources recovery site by the City <br />of Santa Ana General Plan. Implementation of the proposed project would have no impact on the mineral <br />resources and no mitigation measures are necessary. Impacts would be similar to those identified in the 1990 <br />Final EIS/EIR. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />No new additional mitigation measures are required. <br />3.12 Noise <br />This section corresponds with Section IV, Environmental Consequences and Mitigation Measures, <br />Subsection I, Noise, and V, Construction Impacts of the 1990 Final EIS /EIR. <br />(a) Exposure of persons to or generation of noise levels in excess of standards established in the <br />local general plan or noise ordinance, or applicable standards of other agencies? <br />The proposed project involves widening of Bristol Street between Warner Avenue and Saint Andrew Place. <br />The land uses in between Warner Avenue and St. Gertrude Place, and adjacent to the project, are <br />commercial (Category C) on the west side of Bristol Street, and a mix of residential and commercial land <br />uses on the east side of Bristol Street. The land uses on both sides of Bristol Street between St. Gertrude and <br />St. Andrew Place are residential. Mater Dei High School is located along the east side of Bristol Street north <br />of St. Andrew Place. Jose Andres Sepulveda Elementary School is west of Bristol Street in this same area. <br />The future noise modeling results of the 1990 Final EIS /EIR indicated that future noise levels would be no <br />more than one dBA higher with the project as compared to levels without project improvements (noise level <br />changes of less than 3 dBA are normally inaudible to the human ear). <br />The 1990 Final EIS /EIR (and 2013 NEPA Reevaluation) provided comprehensive noise barriers at all <br />easterly parcel boundaries currently fronting the east side of Bristol Street between Warner Avenue and <br />Saint Andrew Place and comprehensive noise barriers at all westerly parcel boundaries currently fronting the <br />west side of Bristol Street between West Saint Gertrude Place and Saint Andrew Place. The following noise <br />barriers were determined to be reasonable: NB -4, NB -5, NB -6, NB -7, NB -8, NB -9, NB -10, and NB -11. <br />These noise barriers are generally equivalent to the recommended noise barriers shown in the 1990 FEIS and <br />2013 Reevaluation. However, barriers NB -6, NB -7, NB -8, and NB -9 would need to be shifted to the west of <br />the receivers (parcels) that are no longer being acquired in whole such that these barriers are now proposed <br />at the westerly parcel boundaries that front the east side of Bristol Street between Saint Anne Place and Saint <br />Andrew Place (refer to Figure 7a and Figure 7b). Furthermore, the reasonable noise barriers would be <br />constructed at a height of 8 feet, as opposed to 6 feet as identified in the 1990 FEIS and 2013 NEPA <br />Reevaluation. The modifications and other refinements to the project would not create any additional <br />impacts than what was identified in the 1990 Final EIS/EIR. <br />With implementation of the mitigation measures from the 1990 Final EIS /EIR, noise impacts would be <br />similar to that identified in the 1990 Final EIS /EIR. <br />ANA 305 -194 (PER 02) CSA (AUGUST 2014) 133867 YU 44 <br />