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ANA 305 -194 (PER 02) CSA (AUGUST 2014) 133867 YU 10 <br />New Impacts of Project Changes <br />Previous FOR and FEIS <br />Impact <br />Less an <br />Significant <br />Less an <br />Significant <br />Potentially <br />Significant <br />Disclosed? <br />uppp ement <br />EIR/EIS <br />Impact <br />After <br />Impact <br />Required? <br />Required? <br />Mitigation <br />d) A substantial temporary or <br />periodic increase in ambient noise <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />levels in the project vicinity above <br />levels existing without the project? <br />e) For a project located within an <br />airport land use plan or, where such <br />a plan has not been adopted, within <br />two miles of a public airport or public <br />X <br />N/A <br />NO <br />use airport, would the project expose <br />people residing or working in the <br />project area to excessive noise <br />levels? <br />f) For a project within the vicinity of a <br />private airstrip, would the project <br />X <br />N/A <br />NO <br />expose people residing or working in <br />'.. <br />the project area to excessive noise <br />levels? <br />13. POPULATION AND HOUSING.. <br />Would the project: <br />a) Induce substantial population <br />growth in an area, either directly (for <br />example, by proposing new homes <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />and businesses) or indirectly (for <br />example, through extension of roads <br />or other infrastructure)? <br />b) Displace substantial numbers of <br />existing housing, necessitating the <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />construction of replacement housing <br />elsewhere? <br />c) Displace substantial numbers of <br />people, necessitating the <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />construction of replacement housing <br />elsewhere? <br />14. PUBLIC SERVICES. <br />Would the project result in substantial <br />adverse physical Impacts associated <br />with the provision of new or physically <br />altered governmental facilities, need for <br />new or physically altered governmental <br />facilities, the construction of which could <br />cause significant environmental impacts, <br />in order to maintain acceptable service <br />ratios, response times or other <br />performance ob'ecllves for any of the <br />a) Fire protection? <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />b) Police protection? <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />c) Schools? <br />X <br />YES <br />NO <br />ANA 305 -194 (PER 02) CSA (AUGUST 2014) 133867 YU 10 <br />