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Agreements for Housing Financial <br /> Analysis and Advisory Services <br /> April 7, 2015 <br /> Page 2 <br /> (Exhibit 2) be awarded an on-call agreement for a two-year term. The agreements will cover the <br /> following services: general multi-family affordable housing financial analysis and advisory services, <br /> multi-family and/or single-family bond issuance financial advisory services, financial feasibility <br /> analysis, and subsidy layering analysis. <br /> The Successor Housing Agency has the obligation to either develop or sell the low-moderate <br /> housing properties held by the former Redevelopment Agency. As part of this obligation, these <br /> selected firms will assist in the subsidy layering analysis and housing financial analysis needed for <br /> these housing assets. <br /> The Housing Authority is a conduit issuer of affordable housing bonds for qualified affordable <br /> projects, which is a type of financing typically paired with four percent (4%) tax credits that can be <br /> utilized by affordable housing development. The process is completed on a time schedule <br /> prescribed by other outside financing sources, thus on-call agreements with experienced and <br /> qualified housing financial advisors need to be in place. <br /> STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNMENT <br /> Approval of this item allows the City to meet Goal #5 (Community Health, Livability, Engagement & <br /> Sustainability), Objective 3 (Facilitate diverse housing opportunities and support efforts to preserve <br /> and improve the livability of Santa Ana neighborhoods). <br /> FISCAL IMPACT <br /> As potential projects are identified, funds will be made available in the Successor Housing Agency <br /> Contract Services account no. (60718810-62300) and the Housing Authority Issuer Fee Contract <br /> Services account no. (13318780-62300). <br /> APPROVED AS TO FUNDS AND ACCOUNTS: <br /> Kelly Re nders Francisco Gutierrez <br /> Executive Director Executive Director <br /> Community Development Agency Finance and Management Services Agency <br /> KPJNV/11 <br /> Exhibits* 1. Keyser Marston Agreement <br /> 2. CSG Advisors Agreement <br /> 5 - 2 <br />