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ARTICLE II <br />2,0 NON - DISCRIMINATION CLAUSE <br />2,1 The City and CASA agree that they shall not discriminate against any <br />employee because of race, color, gender, sexual orientation /association or <br />perception, age, national origin, ancestry, disability, medical condition, <br />marital status, pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, genetic <br />information, political orreligious opinions oraffiliations, orCASA membership. <br />The City and CASA shall reopen any provision of this MOU for the purpose of <br />complying with any order of a Federal or State agency or court of <br />competent jurisdiction requiring a modification orchange in any provision or <br />provisions of this MOU in compliance with State or Federal anti - discrimination <br />laws. <br />2.2 Whenever reference is made to the masculine gender, it shall be understood <br />to Include the feminine gender, unless expressly stated otherwise. <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2015 -2017 <br />25G -7 <br />Page 5 <br />