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ARTICLE V <br />5.0 SALARIES <br />5.1 Basic Compensation Plan. There is hereby established a basic compensation <br />plan for all full -time personnel who are now employed or shall in the future <br />be employed in any of the designated classifications of employment <br />represented by CASA as listed in this MOU and its attachments. <br />5.2 Salary Schedule. The basic salary schedule, attached as Exhibit "B," and <br />made a part hereof as though set forth in full herein, provides numerous <br />salary rate ranges, each comprised of six (6) steps or rates of pay. <br />The steps within each rate range are identified by the letters "AA" through <br />"E" inclusive, with Step "AA" being the lowest step in the range. The purpose <br />of each step and the length of service required for advancement to the next <br />higher step within a particular salary rate range are set forth in Exhibit "A." <br />The assignment of classifications to salary rate ranges far full time personnel is <br />listed in Exhibit B, which is attached and made a part hereof as though set <br />forth herein. <br />53 Salaries. <br />A. Effective July 1, 2015 CASA members' base salaries for the <br />classifications listed in Exhibit B shall be increased by two and one -half <br />percent (2.5 %). Effective July], 2016 CASA members' base salaries for <br />the classifications listed In Exhibit "B" shall be increased by an <br />additional two and one -half percent (2.5%). <br />Should any other employee bargaining unit of the City obtain a salary <br />rate raise in excess of that set forth in Subsection "A" above, for any <br />period prior to the expiration of this MOU, CASA members shall be <br />granted that higher salary rate raise for the same period as applicable <br />to the granting of that raise to the relevant bargaining unit, except that <br />higher salary rate raise is scheduled to take effect after the expiration <br />of this MOU. <br />5.4 Application of Basic Compensation Plan. The salary rate ranges discussed in <br />Section 5.2 and attached hereto as Exhibit "B" are monthly salary rate <br />ranges. All full -time employees working in classifications of employment <br />covered by this MOU shall be compensated at a monthly rate, except that <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION OF SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2015 -2017 Page 12 <br />25G -14 <br />