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an employee hired for temporary work in a position which has an <br />anticipated duration of less than six (6) months shall be paid at a rate <br />per hour for actual time spent in the performance of the duties of his or her <br />employment. The regular rate of pay shall be computed as provided for by <br />the FLSA, <br />Any hourly rate of pay, defined as the regular hourly rate of pay, shall be <br />computed by dividing the monthly salary rate by 173,33. In determining the <br />hourly rate as herein provided, computation shall be made to the nearest <br />whole cent and a computation resulting in an even one -half cent shall fix the <br />rate at the next higher whole cent. <br />5.5 Probation. Except for employees in the Excepted Service as defined by the <br />City Charter, and employees re- employed from re- employment lists, the <br />probationary period shall be one (1) yearfrom the date of appointment from <br />an open eligible list (new hire) or a reappointment eligible list (rehire) and six <br />(6) months from the date of appointment from a promotional eligible list. <br />5.6 Beninning Rates. A new employee of the City of Santa Ana shall be paid the <br />rate shown as Step "AA" in the salary rate range allocated to the <br />classification of employment for which he or she has been hired. In special <br />instances where such new employee possesses unique and exceptional <br />educational training and /or experience qualifications, the Department <br />Head, under whom the employee will serve, may submit a written request <br />and justification to the City Manager for authorization to place such new <br />employee on Step "A," "B," "C," "D" or "E" within the allocated salary rate <br />range, provided that such employee shall be assigned such salary step upon <br />the commencement of his or her service in the classification of employment <br />to which the salary rate range applies and such assignment having once <br />been made shall remain in effect until the employee shall be entitled to <br />advance to the next salary step in accordance with the provisions of this <br />Article. <br />5.7 Service, The word "service" as used in this MOU shall be deemed to mean <br />continuous, full -time service in the classification in which the employee is <br />being considered for salary advancement, service in a higher classification, <br />or service in a classification allocated to the same salary rate range and <br />having generally similar duties and requirements. Employees hired after the <br />first (1St) working day of the month shall not be credited with "Time in service" <br />for than month when determining the length of service required for salary <br />step advancement. A lapse of service by an employee for a period of time <br />longer than thirty (30) calendar days by reason of resignation, quit, or <br />CONFIDENTIAL ASSOCIATION of SANTA ANA (CASA) MOU: 2015 -2017 Page 13 <br />25G -15 <br />