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Standard Form 424A, Budget Information (Non - construction) <br />Standard Form 424B, Standard Assurances (Non-construction) <br />Standard Form 424D, Standard Assurances (Construction) <br />Standard Form LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Activities (if the grantee has engaged or <br />intends to engage in lobbying activities) <br />Gr<ants,gov (GG) Lobbying Form, Certification Regarding Lobbying, <br />Applicants will also be prompted to assure compliance with all Standard and Special <br />Terms and Conditions before being eligible to receive an award under this program. <br />In addition applicants must submit copies of the following in ND Grants: <br />• Standard Form 424C, Budget Information (Construction) if applying <br />for grants to support construction; <br />• Investment Justification <br />• Program and Budget Narrative <br />• Program Work Plan <br />• Project Objectives <br />• Detailed budget <br />• Indirect Cost Agreement. <br />If you need assistance registering on the ND Grants system, please contact <br /> or (800) 865 -4076. <br />HSGP Program Specific Application Instructions <br />Investment Justification (SHSP and UASI) <br />As part of the FY 2014 HSGP application process for SHSP and UAST funds, applicants <br />must develop a formal IJ that addresses each investment being proposed for funding. The <br />U must demonstrate how proposed projects support sustainment of existing core <br />capabilities or address capability gaps and deficiencies in one or more core capabilities <br />outlined in the Goal and as identified in their most recent State Preparedness Report. The <br />U must also demonstrate alignment to the Urban Area, State, and /or regional T 1IRAs, <br />national priorities, and applicable guidance provided by FEMA. The U must also describe <br />engagement with and/or impacts on the general and vulnerable populations, to include <br />children, the elderly, pregnant women, and individuals with disabilities such as those <br />with access and functional needs. Furthermore, the IJ must clearly identify and explain <br />the nexus to terrorism preparedness. <br />IJs are submitted in the GRT. The U Guide contains instructions for collecting the <br />required information for Investments and projects. Additionally, applicants should utilize <br />the Project Worksheet to assemble the information required for each project, which will <br />facilitate the input of that information into the GRT. <br />24 <br />FY 2014 HSGP FOA <br />