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Instructions for SHSP <br />• Applicants must propose at least one and include up to 10 projects within each <br />Investment in their IJ to describe the activities they would like to implement with <br />SHSP funds <br />• Any projects not included in the application must be included in the first B SIR <br />• Of the proposed Investments, applicants are required to propose at least one <br />Investment to provide funding support to the State's primary fusion center, as <br />designated by the Governor. Grantees must coordinate with the fusion center when <br />developing a fusion center Investment prior to submission <br />• Grantees investing in emergency communications must describe how activities align <br />to their Statewide Communication Interoperable Plan (SCIP). Grantees must <br />coordinate with their Statewide Interoperability Coordinator (SWIC) and /or Statewide <br />Interoperability Governance Body (SIGB) when developing an emergency <br />communications investment prior to submission to ensure the project supports the <br />statewide strategy to improve emergency communications and is compatible and <br />interoperable with surrounding systems <br />Instructions for UASI <br />• Urban Areas must propose at least one and up to 10 projects within each Investment <br />in their IJ to describe the activities they are planning to implement with UASI funds <br />• Any projects not included in the application must be included in the first BSIR <br />• If applicable, of the proposed 10 Investments, Urban Areas are required to propose at <br />least one Investment in support of a designated fusion center within the Urban Area. <br />Grantees must coordinate with the fission center when developing a fission center <br />Investment prior to submission <br />• If UASI funds are used by the SAA in support of the Urban Area, the SAA must, as <br />part of the up to 10 Investments, propose an Investment describing how UASI funds <br />will be used by the SAA to directly support the Urban Area. <br />Grantees investing in emergency communications must describe how activities align <br />to the SCIR Grantees must coordinate with the Statewide Interoperability <br />Coordinator (SWIC) and/or Statewide Interoperability Governance Body (SIGB) <br />when developing an emergency communications Investment prior to submission to <br />ensure the project supports the statewide strategy to improve emergency <br />communications and is compatible and interoperable with surrounding systems <br />Instructions for OPSG <br />As part of the FY 2014 OPSG application process, each eligible local unit of government <br />at the county level or Federally - recognized Tribal government must develop their <br />Operations Order in coordination with State and Federal law enforcement agencies, to <br />include, but not limited to Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)Border Protection (BP). <br />Operations Orders that are developed at the county level should be inclusive of city, <br />county, Tribal, and other local law enforcement agencies that are eligible to participate in <br />OPSG operational activities, and the Operations Order should address this in the <br />Executive Summary, The details should include the names of the agencies, the points of <br />contact, and the individual funding requests. All applications must be coordinated <br />through the CBP sector office and that BP will forward application to the SAA for <br />25 <br />FY 2014 IISGP FOA <br />