(UAWGs), Statewide Interoperability Governing Board (SIGB), Area Maritime Security
<br />Committees (ANISCS), Regional Transportation Security Working Groups (RTSWGs), Citizen
<br />Corps Councils, and Children's Working Groups. To ensure a whole community effort, SAC
<br />membership should include representatives of these various stakeholder groups /committees, and
<br />should also include direct or indirect representation for all relevantjurisdictions and response
<br />disciplines (including law enforcement, fire service, and emergency management), UASI - funded
<br />Urban Areas, as well as Citizen Corps Councils, Tribal representatives, non - profit, faith based,
<br />and voluntary organizations such as the American Red Cross. SACS are encouraged to develop
<br />subcommittee structures, as necessary, to address issue- or region - specific considerations in
<br />support of overarching implementation.
<br />The responsibilities of a SAC include;
<br />• Integrating preparedness activities across disciplines, the private sector, non - profit
<br />organizations, faith - based, community, and all levels of govermment, including local,
<br />State, Tribal, and territorial, with the goal of maximizing coordination and reducing
<br />duplication of effort;
<br />• Creating a cohesive planning network and framework that builds and implements
<br />preparedness initiatives which leverage DHS resources, as well as other Federal, State,
<br />territorial, local, private sector, faith -based community, and Tribal resources;
<br />• Management of all available preparedness f rading sources (multiple Federal sources as
<br />well as State and local sources) to enhance effective utilization of and elimination of
<br />duplication of effort across all stakeholders and disciplines; and
<br />• Ensuring that the application for SHSP and UASI funds align with the THIRA and work
<br />to fill capability gaps identified in the SPR.
<br />Senior Advisory Committee Composition and Seope
<br />Membership
<br />The SAC must include whole community intrastate and interstate partners as applicable
<br />and have balanced representation among entities with operational responsibilities for
<br />terrorism/disaster prevention, protection, mitigation, response, and recovery activities
<br />within the State.
<br />The membership of the SAC must reflect the threats and hazards identified in the State's
<br />THIRA as well as each of the core capabilities, in particular those core capabilities
<br />identified as having large capability gaps identified in the State's most recent State
<br />Preparedness Report (SPR). SAAB will use the URT to verify compliance of SAC
<br />charter requirements. Further, the SAC must include representatives that were involved
<br />in the production of the State's THIRA and represent the interests of the five mission
<br />areas as outlined in the Goal.
<br />The above membership requirement does not prohibit States, Urban Areas, regional
<br />transit and port entities, or other recipients of DHS preparedness funding from retaining
<br />their existing structure under separate programs; however, at a minimum, those bodies
<br />must support and feed into the larger SAC, The composition, structure and charter of the
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<br />Appendix B— FY2014 HSGP Priorities
<br />