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Projects, conducting research necessary to inform the planning process, and developing plans <br />that bridge mechanisms, documents, protocols, and procedures. <br />SAAB will use the URT to verify compliance of SAC charter requirements. <br />Supplemental UASI Guidance <br />The UASI program is intended to provide financial assistance to address the unique multi- <br />discipline planning, organization, equipment, training, and exercise needs of high - threat, high - <br />density Urban Areas, and to assist these areas in building and sustaining capabilities to prevent, <br />protect against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism using the <br />Whole Community approach. Many capabilities which support terrorism preparedness <br />simultaneously support preparedness for other hazards. Grantees must demonstrate the dual -use <br />quality for any activities implemented that are not explicitly focused on terrorism preparedness, <br />Urban Areas must use UASI funds to employ regional approaches to overall preparedness and <br />are encouraged to adopt regional response structures whenever appropriate. UASI program <br />implementation and governance must include regional partners and should have balanced <br />representation among entities with operational responsibilities for prevention, protection, <br />mitigation, response, and recovery activities within the region. In some instances, Urban Area <br />boundaries cross State borders, States must ensure that the identified Urban Areas take an <br />inclusive regional approach to the development and implementation of the UASI program and <br />involve the contiguous jurisdictions, mutual aid partners, port authorities, rail and transit <br />authorities, State agencies, State Wide Interoperability Coordinators, Citizen Corps Council(s), <br />and campus law enforcement in their program activities. <br />Grantees must also demonstrate the integration of children and individuals with disabilities or <br />access and functional needs into activities implemented under this program. <br />Composition <br />Pursuant to provisions of the 9/11 Act, eligible UASI sites were determined based on an analysis <br />of relative risk of the 100 most populous Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSAs), as defined by <br />OMB. MSAs are used by DRS to determine eligibility for participation in the program. <br />Geographical areas queried do not equate to minimum mandated membership representation of <br />an Urban Area, nor does this guarantee funding for geographical areas queried. UAWGs must <br />continue to take a regional approach to membership but are not required to expand or contract <br />existing Urban Area participation to conform to MSA composition. Detailed information on <br />MSAs is publicly available from the United States Census Bureau at <br />httn : / /www census ov/ apa�la on wrow /metroareas /nret odefhtml. <br />UASI Program Requirements <br />The SAA will be responsible for ensuring compliance with the fiduciary and programmatic <br />administration requirements of the UASI program, <br />• Identify POCs. The SAA must confirm a specific POC with the designated Urban Area, <br />The SAA POCs are responsible for identifying and coordinating with the POC for the <br />UAWO. This information must be provided to FEMA with the grant application. SAAB <br />42 <br />Appendix B— FY2014 HSGP Priorities <br />