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Completion of an Initial Study (IS) and Notice of Preparation (NOP), which concluded <br />that an EIR would be prepared. The NOP was released for a 30 -day public review period <br />from October 1, 2012, to October 30, 2012. The NOP was posted at the Orange County <br />Clerk- Recorder's office on October 1, 2012. Copies of the IS were made available for <br />public review at Santa Ana City Hall, Santa Ana Public Works Agency office, and Santa <br />Ana Main Library. <br />During the scoping process, the public was invited by the City to participate in a scoping <br />meeting held on October 18, 2012, at the Manuel Esqueda Elementary School <br />Multipurpose Room. The notice of a public scoping meeting was included in the NOP. <br />The Draft EIR was made available for a 45 -day public review period from January 12, <br />2015, to February 26, 2015. The Draft EIR analyzed impacts to air quality, cultural <br />resources, geology and soils, greenhouse gas emissions, hazards and hazardous materials, <br />hydrology and water quality, land use, noise, population and housing, transportation and <br />traffic, and utilities and service systems. The Draft EIR analysis identified that the <br />proposed project would result in significant environmental impacts related to noise and <br />traffic during construction. All other CEQA - related environmental impacts were found to <br />be less than significant with mitigation measures incorporated. <br />The Notice of Availability for the Draft EIR (NOA) and the Draft EIR were sent to <br />agencies, organizations and interested persons, and to the Governor's Office of Planning <br />and Research, State Clearinghouse for distribution to state agencies. The NOA was <br />posted at the Orange County Clerk- Recorder's office on January 8, 2015 and. Copies of <br />the NOA and Draft EIR were made available for public review at the Santa Ana City <br />Clerk's Office, Santa Ana Publics Works Agency, Santa Ana Main Library, and the Delhi <br />Center. NOA was mailed to over 1,400 addresses; hand delivered to all properties <br />adjacent to Warner Avenue between Main Street and Grand Avenue, including individual <br />units in two apartment complexes within 500 feet of the project; published in Orange <br />County Register and the Excelsior newspapers. <br />The City held over 35 meetings relating to the Warner Avenue hprovements and <br />Widening Project. The meetings covered and gathered feedback on various topics <br />including project benefits, the EIR, and the property acquisition /relocation process.. The <br />City has exceeded its obligation for public outreach for this project under the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). All public meetings have had a Spanish interpreter; <br />and certain documents, such as the right -of -way process and meeting notices, have been <br />translated to Spanish. Additionally, Spanish & Vietnamese translation was offered at <br />each individual meeting. The Final EIR included the Draft EIR written comments, verbal <br />comments from two Draft EIR public meetings, responses to all comments, and revisions <br />to the Draft EIR. The Final EIR was released for a 10 -day agency review period prior to <br />certification of the Final EIR. <br />Public hearing will be held for the proposed project: City Council on September 1, 2015. <br />C. RECORD OF PROCEEDINGS <br />For purposes of CEQA and these Findings, the record of proceedings for the proposed project <br />consists of the following documents and other evidence, at a minimum: <br />• The NOP, NOA, and all other public notices issued by the City in conjunction with the <br />proposed project. <br />CEQA Findings of Fact -3- <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -15 <br />