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relocation of the bus stop at Standard Avenue and Warner Avenue due to the <br />proposed buck turn-out for Cherry Aerospace. <br />Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the project that avoid <br />or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the Final EIR. These <br />changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure, presented above. Impact 5.10 -7 would <br />be less than significant with mitigation. The City of Santa Ana hereby finds that implementation <br />of the mitigation measure is feasible, and it is therefore adopted. <br />B. SIGNIFICANT UNAVOIDABLE IMPACTS <br />The following summary describes the unavoidable impacts of the proposed project where <br />mitigation measures were found to be infeasible, or they would not reduce impacts to less than <br />significant. The following impact would remain significant and unavoidable. <br />Noise <br />Impact 5.8 -3 Construction activities would substantially elevate noise levels in the vicinity <br />of noise - sensitive land uses for an extended duration. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: Support for this environmental impact conclusion is fully <br />discussed starting on page 5.8 -19 of Section 5.8, Noise, of the Draft EIR. <br />Short -term noise would be associated with the site preparation, grading, and building construction <br />of the proposed road widening. While the magnitude of the noise would, at times, be up to 86 <br />dBA Ley, it would fluctuate throughout the workday because equipment would not be in use at <br />one location for an extended period of time. Operation of heavy earthmoving equipment has the <br />potential to substantially elevate noise levels at nearby residential areas for an extended duration <br />over several months; construction noise is considered significant. <br />Mitigation Measures <br />N -1 Prior to final engineering plan approval, when detailed roadway alignment, landscape <br />plans, and elevations are available, a final noise study shall be prepared to identify <br />specific sound wall locations along receptors that would be significantly impacted by <br />the project. With current information significantly affected properties are listed in <br />Table 5.8 -12. Figure 5.8 -2 shows the sound wall locations and heights that would <br />reduce noise impacts to levels below significance. For aesthetic purposes, the City <br />can use the alternative wall location shown on Figure 5.8 -2; however, one of the two <br />wall locations is required to provide sound attenuation to meet City of Santa Ana <br />noise standards. Sound walls shall be solid from the ground to the top with no <br />decorative cutouts and shall weigh at least 3.5 pounds per square foot of face area. <br />The sound walls may be constructed using masonry block, '/a -inch thick glass, or <br />other transparent material with sufficient weight per square foot. The need, location, <br />and height of sound walls /walls shall be determined based on the conclusions of the <br />final acoustical report and the final pad elevations of the grading plan. All walls <br />determined to be necessary for noise mitigation by the final acoustical report shall be <br />incorporated into the final roadway construction plans. <br />N -2 The use of vibratory rollers shall be prohibited within 30 feet of a residential <br />CEQA Findings of Fact - 11 - <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -23 <br />