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pedestrians during project construction. <br />Mitigation Measure <br />T -2 Prior to the beginning of any utility relocation, demolition, or construction work, a <br />detailed construction traffic control plan shall be prepared by a licensed civil <br />engineer. The construction traffic control plan shall be based on the most recent <br />version of the Greenbook: Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction <br />(federal); California Department of Transportation California Manual on Uniform <br />Traffic Control Devices (state); Southern California Chapter of the American Public <br />Works Association Work Area Traffic Control Handbook, and City Standard <br />Provisions (local). The traffic control plan shall include extensive public outreach <br />and public awareness through the use of mailers and notices in local papers and other <br />publications. <br />T -3 The construction traffic control plan required by Mitigation Measure T -2 shall <br />include addition of any needed temporary safety measures to the Safe Routes to <br />Schools plans for James Monroe Elementary School and Manuel Esqueda <br />Elementary School. <br />Finding: Changes or alterations have been required in or incorporated into the project that avoid <br />or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect identified in the Final EIR. These <br />changes are identified in the form of a mitigation measure, presented above. Impact 5.10 -6 would <br />be less than significant with mitigation. The City of Santa Ana hereby finds that implementation <br />of the mitigation measures are feasible, and they are therefore adopted. <br />Impact 5.10 -7 The project could require temporary alterations, including rerouting, of <br />OCTA bus services during project construction; and permanent relocation <br />of the bus stop at Warner Avenue and Standard Avenue for the proposed <br />reconfiguration of the Cherry Aerospace access improvements. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: Support for this environmental impact conclusion is fully <br />discussed starting on page 5.10 -28 of Section 5.10, Transportation and Traffic, of the Draft EIR. <br />The proposed truck access reconfiguration and concrete access pad for the Cherry Aerospace <br />facility could potentially impact OCTA bus operations at the existing Warner Avenue/Standard <br />Avenue bus stop. Therefore, project constriction could require temporary alteration, which may <br />include rerouting, of OCTA bus routes 53, 55, 72 and 463 serving Warner Avenue between Main <br />Street and Grand Avenue. Construction of the proposed truck access reconfiguration and concrete <br />access pad for the Cherry Aerospace facility would require permanent relocation of the OCTA <br />bus stop for eastbound Route 72, which is now located between Cherry Aerospace driveways. <br />Mitigation Measure <br />T -4 At least three months before the start of any project work that could impact the <br />Warner Avenue roadway, concrete pads at existing bus stops in the project site, or <br />sidewalks, the City of Santa Ana and the project traffic engineer shall coordinate with <br />the Orange County Transportation Authority to specify any needed temporary <br />alterations of service on OCTA Routes 53, 55, 72, and 463. Such alterations may <br />include rerouting bus routes off of Warner Avenue in the project site and permanent <br />CEQA Findings of Fact - 10 - <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -22 <br />