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• 110 South Alternative <br />• 120 South Alternative <br />• Revised Construction Alternative <br />The alternatives analyzed in the EIR were determined to represent a reasonable range of <br />alternatives with the potential to feasibly attain most of the basic objectives of the project but <br />avoid or substantially lessen any of the significant effects of the project. <br />A. No Project Alternative <br />Section 15126.6(e) of the CEQA Guidelines requires the analysis of a No Project Alternative. <br />This No Project analysis must discuss the existing condition, as well as what would be reasonably <br />expected to occur in the foreseeable future if the project were not to be approved. In this <br />alternative Warner Avenue from Main Street to Grand Avenue is not widened, and the existing <br />roadway configuration and intersection traffic controls remain as is. The new bicycle lanes and <br />improved sidewalks included in the proposed project would not be constructed. No properties <br />would be acquired, and no buildings demolished for roadway widening. Drainage improvements <br />included in the proposed project would not be installed. <br />Facts in Support of Finding: <br />This alternative would meet one project objective, Objective 6 — minimizing property <br />acquisition including public facilities — but would not meet any of the other project <br />objectives. <br />• This alternative would increase impacts on geology and soils, hydrology and water <br />quality, transportation and traffic, and utilities and service systems. <br />• This alternative would avoid one significant and unavoidable impact, (construction <br />noise), but would increase the significant and unavoidable impact related to construction- <br />phase traffic. <br />Finding: The City of Santa Ana finds, based on the Final EIR and the whole of the record, that <br />the No Project Alternative is less desirable than the proposed project. Specific economic, legal, <br />social, technological, or other considerations, including considerations for the provision of <br />employment opportunities for highly trained workers, make this alternative less than desirable <br />than the proposed project. Public Resources Code § 21081 [a][3], Guidelines § 15091 [a][3]). <br />B. 110 South Alternative <br />This alternative would use a 110 -foot total ROW width, a modified Major Arterial ROW, and <br />would align the road widening mostly on the south of the existing centerline. The ROW includes <br />six 11 -foot lanes, a 14- foot -wide raised landscaped median, 5 -foot shoulder/bike lanes, and 10- <br />foot parkway and sidewalk. This alternative would require 25 full and 31 partial parcel <br />acquisitions. <br />Compared to the proposed project, the major differences with this alignment are the acquisition <br />and building removal of three additional commercial parcels (at the strip commercial center) and <br />one industrial parcel (Cherry Aerospace). Partial impacts to industrial parcels on the north side of <br />Warner Avenue would be reduced. The majority of impacts to full residential parcels would be <br />shifted from the north to the south side of Warner Avenue and result in the reduction of 10 full <br />CEQA Findings of Fact - 14 - <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -26 <br />