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Resolution to adopt Final EIR for Warner Avenue Improvements <br />Main Street to Grand Avenue <br />September 1, 2015 <br />Rage 3 <br />Two significant unavoidable environmental Impacts were Identified: <br />1. Nolse during construction <br />2. Traffic Impacts during construction <br />Public comment totals during the Draft EIR (DEIR) review period are as follows: <br />• Written Comments: <br />• Agencies:6 <br />• Organizations:2 <br />• Individuals :7 <br />• Verbal Comments: <br />• DEIR Meeting #1: 16 Individuals <br />• DEIR Meeting #2:12 Individuals <br />Comments generally fell into the following categories: <br />•. Reduction in residential Impacts <br />• Property acquisition and relocation process <br />• Traffic impacts to local neighborhood streets <br />• Existing safety concerns throughout corridor <br />Written responses to these comments were provided in the FEIR. The FEIR includes all written and oral <br />comments received during the public review period as well as the City's responses. Comments received <br />from the public and from the public agencies did not require any new analysis or result In major changes in <br />the FEIR, <br />The Findings and Facts in support of Findings, and Statement of Overriding Considerations for the Warner <br />Avenue Improvements and Widening Project from Main Street to Grand Avenue Project (State <br />Clearinghouse No. 2012101004), summarizes the evidence relied upon by the City in making these findings. <br />This evidence is drawn from the Notice of Preparation documents; the comments and responses to <br />comments on the DEIR and FEIR; and other evidence presented to the City, including all other Information in <br />the administrative record, Additionally, a Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program has been prepared <br />for this project and will be adopted along with the proposed resolution (Exhibit 3). <br />Staff and the consultant team recommend certifying the FEIR, adopting the 110' North Widening <br />Alternative as the Warner Avenue Improvements and Widening Project, and approving the project by <br />adopting the proposed resolution in accordance with the CEQA requirements. <br />To Increase stakeholder involvement and awareness of the project, the City exceeded the CEQA mandated <br />public hearing requirements and held several public meetings to discuss project benefits and the Draft <br />Environmental Impact Report (DEIR): <br />• May 22, 2012 <br />• June 12, 2012 <br />• July 10, 2012 <br />• October 18, 2012 <br />• February 3, 2015 <br />• February 7, 2015 <br />Open House Meeting 1 <br />Presentation to South Main Business Association <br />Open House Meeting 2 <br />EIR Scoping Meeting <br />DEIR Public Comments Meeting <br />DEIR Public Comments Meeting <br />75B -3 <br />