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Resolution to adopt Final EIR for Warner Avenue Improvements <br />Main Street to Grand Avenue <br />September 1, 2015 <br />Page 4 <br />The DEIR was released on January 12, 2015, for a 45 -day public comment period ending on February 26, <br />2015. <br />• 1,450 Notice of Availability flyers were prepared and sent to all properties within 500 feet of the <br />project (multi - residential and single -unit properties, including the owner and tenant of each <br />property), as well as to key stakeholders who had previously participated in the environmental <br />process. The notices provided details of the two scheduled meetings in English and Spanish, <br />* Staff placed the Notice of Availability on the doorknobs of all properties immediately adjacent to <br />Warner Avenue between Main Street and Grand Avenue to ensure residents were aware of the <br />upcoming Draft SIR meetings. Staff also placed notices on the doors of Individual units in two <br />apartment complexes within 500 feet of the project. <br />* At the start of the 46 -day review period, a press release was sent out via Nixie, the Orange County <br />Register, and the Excelsior Newspaper, <br />* Information was placed prominently on the Public Works Page of the City's website, eliciting over <br />1,500 views since the start of the 45 -day review period. <br />• To encourage attendance, staff contacted key stakeholders, groups, and neighborhood leaders <br />(including those located outside of the 500 -foot notification radius, such as the Memorial Park and <br />Delhi neighborhoods), and sent out an a -news release to several neighborhood leaders in advance <br />of the meetings. <br />• A copy of the Warner Avenue Improvement and Widening Project DEIR was made available at five <br />locations for public review: City Hall Public Works Counter, City Clerk's Office, Main Public Library, <br />Delhi Community Center, and a digital copy on the City's website. <br />• The public meetings mentioned above were held at Manuel Esqueda Elementary School, located <br />at the west end of the project, Information, interpretation, and translation services were provided in <br />English and Spanish. <br />• Notice of the public meetings and calls for public comment were also promoted on the City's social <br />media channels several times throughout the 45-day review period. <br />• To encourage input, flyers concerning the 45-day review period and calls for comments were also <br />distributed as handouts at neighborhood meetings prior to and during the 45 -day review period. <br />• Three on-site meetings were conducted with Cherry Aerospace to discuss potential Impacts to their <br />site and operations. <br />Subsequent to the 45 -day DEIR public comment period, staff engaged in further outreach to Inform the public <br />about the project and its benefits to the community. The Impacts associated with right -of -way acquisition and <br />potential relocation; the rights of those Impacted; and the available resources were also discussed, <br />• April 8, 2015 Presentation to Santa Ana Active Streets Coalition (SAAS) and <br />Equity for All <br />• April 29, 2015 Q&A Session with Delhi Neighborhood <br />• May 21, 2015 Presentation to Delhi Neighborhood Association <br />• June 18, 2015 Presentation to Delhi Neighborhood Association <br />• July 28, 2015 Presentation to Delhi Neighborhood Association <br />• Ongoing Individual meetings (explained below) <br />75B -4 <br />