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social, technological, or other benefits of the project outweigh the significant effects of the <br />proj ect. <br />Pursuant to Public Resources Code Section 21081(b) and the State CEQA Guidelines Section <br />15093, the City has balanced the benefits of the project against the following unavoidable adverse <br />impacts associated with the project and has adopted all feasible mitigation measures with respect <br />to these impacts. The City also has examined alternatives to the project, none of which both meets <br />the project objectives and is environmentally preferable to the proposed project for the reasons <br />discussed in the Findings and Facts in Support of Findings. <br />II. SIGNIFICANT AND UNAVOIDABLE ADVERSE IMPACTS <br />Although most potential project - related impacts have been substantially reduced or avoided <br />through mitigation, as described in the Findings of Fact, there remain some impacts for which <br />complete mitigation is not feasible. For some impacts, mitigation measures were identified and <br />adopted, but even with implementation of the measures, the City finds that the impact cannot be <br />reduced to a less than significant level. The Final FIR identified the following project- related <br />significant unavoidable adverse impacts. <br />A. NOISE — Construction <br />Construction activities would substantially elevate noise levels in the vicinity of noise- sensitive <br />land uses for an extended duration. <br />Short-term noise would be associated with the site preparation, grading, and building construction <br />of the proposed road widening. The existing noise levels at receptors along Warner Avenue range <br />from 69.5 to 72.8 dBA Leg. Each construction phase would generate noise levels ranging from <br />82 to 87 dBA Leq at 25 feet; however it would fluctuate throughout the workday because <br />equipment would not be in use at one location for an extended period of time. Because the <br />operation of heavy earthmoving equipment has the potential to substantially elevate noise levels <br />at nearby residential areas for an extended duration over several months, construction noise is <br />considered significant. <br />Mitigation Measure N -1 requires the location of sound walls included in final roadway <br />construction plans; Mitigation Measure N -2 requires that vibratory rollers not be used within 30 <br />feet of homes; Mitigation Measure N -3 puts restrictions on construction vehicles and equipment; <br />and Mitigation Measure N -4 requires early construction of permanent sound walls. <br />Mitigation Measures N -1, N -2, N -3, and N -4 would reduce noise generated by construction <br />activities to the extent feasible; however, construction -phase noise impacts are still anticipated to <br />occur; therefore, this impact is considered significant and unavoidable. <br />B. TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC — Construction <br />Project construction would temporary affect traffic flow along Warner Avenue and surrounding <br />streets, and significantly impact Warner Avenue/Main Street and Warner Avenue /Halladay Street <br />intersections. <br />Construction would be completed in linear segments so the entire length of Warner Avenue <br />within the project limits is not disrupted at once. During demolition and construction, the four <br />existing travel lanes on Warner Avenue would be narrowed to two lanes, one lane in each <br />CEQA Statement of Overriding Considerations -2- <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -31 <br />