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direction, along the side opposite the area of construction. Where lane closures during peak <br />periods cannot be avoided, traffic would be managed to give priority to the direction that has the <br />heaviest traffic. Short -term roadway closures would occur during removal and relocation of <br />overhead electrical poles. Two intersections would operate at unacceptable LOS during the <br />construction phase: Main Street and Warner Avenue at LOS E during PM peak hour, and <br />Halliday Street and Warner Avenue at LOS F during PM peak hour. Mitigation Measure T -1 <br />requires that lane closures avoid non -rush -hour periods. Mitigation Measure T -2 requires that a <br />construction traffic management plan identifying construction traffic control requirements, traffic <br />detours, and other necessary measures be implemented. The measure also requires extensive <br />public notification about the construction. <br />Mitigation Measures T -1 and T -2 would reduce traffic delays caused by construction activities to <br />the extent feasible; however, construction -phase traffic impacts are still anticipated to occur; <br />therefore, this impact is considered significant and unavoidable. <br />III. CONSIDERATIONS IN SUPPORT OF THE STATEMENT OF OVERRIDING <br />CONSIDERATIONS <br />After balancing the specific economic, legal, social, technological, and other benefits of the <br />proposed project, the City of Santa Ana has determined that the unavoidable adverse temporary <br />construction - related environmental impacts identified above may be considered "acceptable" due <br />to the specific considerations discussed below; therefore, the project benefits. outweigh the <br />unavoidable, adverse environmental impacts. The following benefits will occur as a result of <br />approval of the proposed project. <br />1. Design and construct Warner Avenue to be consistent with the City's General Plan <br />Circulation Element and Orange County Master Plan of Arterial Highways (MPAH) <br />designation as a major arterial. <br />Warner Avenue within the project limits is a four -lane undivided road with variable curb -to- <br />curb and right -of -way (ROW) widths. Warner Avenue has a major arterial designation with <br />six -lanes in both the City's General Plan Circulation Element and the Orange County <br />MPAH; therefore the current cross - section is inconsistent with both documents. <br />Widening Warner Avenue from ,four to six lanes between Main Street and Grand Avenue <br />would make this section of the street consistent with the City's General Plan Circulation <br />Element and the Orange County MPAH. <br />2. Alleviate traffic congestion and delays within the Warner Avenue project limits. <br />By adding a vehicle travel lane in each direction, Warner Avenue widening will significantly <br />reduce traffic congestion and delays within the one mile project limits. Additionally by <br />providing a safer travel options for pedestrians and bicyclist, it is anticipated that some <br />people may choose to not drive thereby reducing traffic. <br />3. Provide roadway capacity to accommodate existing and future traffic volumes. <br />Warner Avenue within the project limits is a four -lane road with variable curb -to -curb and <br />right -of -way (ROW) widths. It has a median (striped not raised) in some segments and no <br />median in other segments; therefore, this four -lane section of Warner Avenue is designed to <br />accommodate up to 20,000 vehicles per day (LOS Q. Currently there are 23,000 to 28,000 <br />CEQA Statement of Overriding Considerations -3- <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -32 <br />