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vehicles per day. By the year 2035 estimated traffic volumes along this segment are forecast <br />at 30,000 to 31,900 vehicles per day. Both the existing andfuture daily traffic volumes exceed <br />the acceptable level of service for a four -lane undivided roadway. <br />Warner Avenue would be widened to six -lanes to comply with the major arterial designation <br />and would accommodate 45, 000 to 60, 000 vehicles per day for current and future traffic. <br />4. Increase vehicular safety and reduce accidents by removing left turn hazards. <br />The project would have a raised median as a traffic calming feature controlling vehicle left <br />turns and cross traffic for improved safety. The reduction of driveway accesses along <br />Warner Avenue would potentially reduce accidents caused by backing up across the sidewalk <br />and into oncoming traffic and vehicle collisions between through movement and vehicles <br />accessing from private properties. <br />5. Comply with the Complete Streets Act by providing safe and accessible travel for bicyclist, <br />pedestrians, wheelchairs, transit riders and motorists through additional bike and vehicle <br />lanes, wider parkway and sidewalks and improved bus locations. <br />The City is in the process of updating the General Plan Circulation Element and will comply <br />with the complete streets principles (planning for all modes) as required by the Complete <br />Streets Act. Warner Avenue project would be consistent with the circulation element and <br />therefore would comply with the policies outlined in the Complete Streets Act (AB 1358, <br />Chapter 657, Statutes of 2008). The project would have: <br />• sidewalks with ADA- compliant horizontal clearance and curb ramps <br />• bike lanes for clearly - designated separate area for bicyclists to improve safety by <br />removing conflicts caused by sharing space with pedestrians on the sidewalk and vehicles <br />in travel lanesparkway with trees and landscaping for shade and separation of <br />pedestrians and people in wheelchairs from moving vehicles and bicycles <br />• relocated Pack Electric Bike Path (Maple Street Bike Trail) from crossing Warner <br />Avenue in the vicinity of Rousselle Street to crossing at the Maple Street traffic light for <br />safer street location <br />• additional vehicle lane in each direction to provide less congested movement of motorists <br />and commercial goods. <br />• improved bus locations for transit riders <br />• improved lighting for vehicle and pedestrian safety <br />Therefore, in compliance with the Complete Streets Act, this project would accommodate <br />bicyclists, children, persons with disabilities, motorists, movers of commercial goods, <br />pedestrians, users ofpublic transportation, and seniors. <br />6. Improve stormwater drainage and water quality. <br />CEQA Statement of Overriding Considerations -4- <br />Warner Avenue Improvements & Widening from Main Street to Grand Avenue Aug 2015 <br />75B -33 <br />