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graffiti or other inscribed material, costs of repair and replacement of defaced <br />�~ <br />property, and the law enforcement costs incurred bythe City i" the ide,tlicativn <br />and apprehension of the defendant responsible for the graffiti or other inscribed <br />material vn publicly o/ privately owned permanent real n, personal property within <br />the City, auprem^ritimd within Government Code Sections 38772^38773.0,and <br />530693 <br />4�uKOe�n"�w/9^�uun9,0nnTh*do�nn�*bun <br />(�� � of responsibility <br />shall be presumed by any confession, admission, guilty plea, nnld <br />conny"donatu any violation vf Penal Code Sections 5y4.594�J.84V 5.040.6,or <br />640.7. <br />(d Juvenile Offender Presumption. |n the case nfm minor defendant, <br />responsibility shall be determined upon a conviction by final judgment or by the <br />rrunor being made a ward of the Juvenile Court pursuant to Werfare and Institutions <br />Code Section 602 by reason of the commission of any act prohibited under Penal <br />Code Sections 5$4,5S4�3,V4K5.04u.6.vv04O7. <br />(d) Adult Civil Actions. The City may bring a civil action |n the Superior <br />Court to obtain a money judgment against a defendant for any amount not ordered <br />or coldicted by the criminal court, including, but not limited to, all attorney's fees, <br />court costs, and civil penalties incurred in connection with the civil prosecution of <br />any claim for damages orreimbursement. <br />1%W (e) Juvenile CM1 Actions. The City may bring u civil action in the Superior <br />Court to obtain o money judgment agu|nmtwjuvonUeoMendmr*nu/o,hiovrh*x <br />pa"m^/(a)u,gua,d|a,(n) having custody and control vf the juvenile offender for any <br />amount not ordered u/ collected by the juvenile court, including, but not limited to, <br />all attorney's fees, court costs, and civil penalties incurred in connection with the <br />civil prosecution of any claim for damages vrreimbursement <br />Sec, 10-231. Reserved <br />Son10^232,Aww*mwnnemt, Procedures. <br />Pursuant WGovernment Code Section 30773* the City may recover its <br />costs $/ abate any graffiti through assessment procedures set forth i" Sections 17^ <br />40 through 17`43uf the Santa Ana Municipal Code. <br />Section 1W^233. Remedies Not Exclusive. <br />� <br />om�^m n� <br />ewu�w4^z1 <br />' roAeIiv<^3 <br />City of Santa Ana GRSC Services RIF Page 50 <br />