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5. Whenever pruning involves the removal of limbs that are too large to <br />held securely In one hand during the cutting operation, the limb shall be <br />cut off first at a point several feet beyond the Intended final cut. The final <br />cut shall be made in a manner to prevent unnecessary tearing back of <br />the bark and wood. Cuts that result in tearing of tissue on limbs below <br />cuts shall be corrected. <br />6. All final tree pruning cuts shall be made in such a manner so as to favor <br />the earliest possible covering of the wound by natural callus growth. <br />Excessively deep flush cuts, which produce large wounds or weaken the <br />tree at the out, shall not be made. The branch collar should not be <br />removed. <br />7. All dead and dying branches and branch stubs shall be removed. <br />8. All broken or loose branches shall be removed. <br />9. Branches that are developing In such a manner as to beoome larger than <br />the Ilmbs they originate from shall be removed or reduced to half the <br />diameter of the parent branch. <br />10. When encountering limbs that are weighted with more, foliage than the _ <br />limb in order to reduce end weight and thus decrease the likelihood of <br />limb failure, <br />11, Selectively reduce and/or remove branches that create sight line conflicts <br />with traffic control signs and/or devices. <br />12. Selectively reduce and/or remove branches that are within five (5) feet of <br />a structure, <br />13. Clear trees of sprout or sucker growth to a minimum height of ten (10) <br />feet above ground level. Exceptions are allowed for young trees, which <br />would be irreparably damaged by such pruning action. <br />14Prune so as to maintain a balanced appearance when viewed from the <br />opposite side of the street immediately opposite the tree, unless <br />authorized by the City Arborist to do otherwise. <br />15. Remove all vines entwined in trees and on tree trunks. Vine tendrils shall <br />be removed without injury to trees. <br />16, Tree limbs shall be removed and controlled in such a manner as to <br />cause no damage to other parts of the tree, or to other plants or property, <br />17. All tools used on a tree known to contain an Infectious tree disease shall <br />be properly disinfected immediately before and after completing work on <br />such tree, All major pest problems shall be promptly reported to the City. <br />18. All cutting tools and saws used in tree pruning shall be kept sharpened to <br />result in final cuts with an un -abrasive wood surface and secure bark <br />remaining intact. <br />