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FULL PACKET_2015-10-06
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2015-10-06
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3/31/2017 12:00:24 PM
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10/1/2015 5:32:10 PM
City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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fireworks. He said it was wanton disrespect for property and complete lawlessness. Mr. Garcet <br />is a medical doctor who pointed out the ERs are filled with people who suffer injuries due to <br />fireworks. <br />AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) <br />2. 4t" of July (Update on Fireworks Enforcement) — Commander Ken Gominsky {Strategic <br />Plan Goal No. 1, 2d} <br />Commander Ken Gominsky summarizes an overview of an action report related to enforcement <br />operations which began in early June continuing through the 01 of July holiday. Over 5,000 <br />pounds of illegal fireworks were seized through social media contacts and undercover buys. <br />Additional staff was deployed geographically this year with an emphasis on the problem areas <br />identified through the tip line and calls for service. Enforcement was two -fold: administrative <br />cites /confiscation of fireworks and criminal cites /arrests. There were 223 calls for service <br />received by SAPD Communications which equates to one firework/skyrocket call every two <br />minutes for eight hours in one night. The Police Department's costs associated with the 41t' of <br />July this year was approximately $132,000.00. <br />ACTION: <br />Chairman Benavides requested a report from the Police Department on fireworks: net costs to <br />enforcement, the enforcement plan if the City were to ban fireworks, what the true impact would <br />be, and potential phasing out or reduction of enforcement. The report should include information <br />on the true revenue received by non - profits, how many of them are out there, and the spectrum of <br />the upper and lower end. Finally, include reports from other cities that have either legalized safe <br />and sane fireworks or completely banned them. <br />3. Body Cameras (Update on Pilot Program) — Commander Jason Viramontes {Strategic <br />Plan Goal No. 1, if and 3b} <br />Commander Viramontes provides a power point presentation giving a brief update on what the <br />Exploratory Committees has been doing as the Police Department moves forward with the Body <br />Worn Cameras. A pilot program is being conducted with one of the units within Special <br />Investigations. Six cameras have been purchased from the vendor, Taser, because they are one <br />of the leaders in body cameras. The recordings will be uploaded and information stored on the <br />iCloud, which is a secure data storage site. Policies regarding usage will be directed by the <br />Chief s Office. Community forums have been held, and there will be one more in the near <br />future. At that time, every police district will have had the opportunity to see what the body <br />cameras are about. <br />13A -11 <br />
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