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FULL PACKET_2015-10-06
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City Council (2004 - Present)
FULL PACKET_2015-10-06
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City Clerk
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Agenda Packet
Clerk of the Council
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5. OCFA Annual Update on Fire /EMS Services — Battalion Chief Anthony Espinosa <br />{Strategic Plan Goal No. 1, 5b} <br />Battalion Chief Anthony Espinosa talked about the services provided by OCFA in the city of <br />Santa Ana over the past year. There was a 9.5% increase of emergency response incidents in the <br />city. OCFA implemented a state -of -the -art CAD system that enhances response time and <br />service delivery to citizens. OCFA does community outreach by being involved in many <br />community events throughout the year, such as the City -wide Drowning Prevention Campaign, <br />City -wide Fire Alarm Installation Campaign, the clean -up at Santiago Creek, and other events <br />like the Spark of Love Toy Drive during the holidays. Old fire apparatus was replaced, and <br />CDBG funds were used to update and improve some of the stations in the city. Fire inspections <br />for new businesses have increased 20 percent. In line with the City's Five -Year Strategic Plan, <br />OCFA developed a portal in the City's website. An Explorer Program was created and has been <br />very successful with young people. <br />ACTION: <br />Division Chief Leonard will report back with information on how the application process works <br />for the OCFA Explorer Program. <br />COMMITTEE MEMBER COMMENTS <br />Chairman Benavides states that the Council Committee did receive some written communication <br />which will become part of the record: one from Ms. Kerr who also appeared in person at the <br />meeting and the other from Ray & Evangeline Gawronski. All parties have expressed their <br />opinion to have fireworks banned in the city of Santa Ana. <br />Chairman Benavides and Committee Member Amezcua were in attendance to discuss the above <br />agenda items. The Public Safety Committee is willing to consider a ban on fireworks due to the <br />cost to the city monetarily and taxing the resources of the PD, as well as the lawlessness. They <br />were open to the use of the police worn body cameras, requesting that conversations take place <br />with other departments who have been pioneers using body cameras. The City Manager points <br />out that the Police Department has requested grant funding for body cameras; however, if <br />funding is not received, it will go to City Council for approval. The Committee members were <br />impressed with the increase of new businesses and constriction going on within the city. They <br />were also appreciative of OCFA's efforts and collaboration with the community through events <br />and programs. The City Manager emphasized the partnership with OCFA, thanking them for the <br />clean -up project at Santiago Creek, <br />13A -12 <br />
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