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1 (42 USC §6101); and Title 9, Division 4, Chapter 6, Article 1 (§10800, et seq.) of the California Code of <br />2 Regulations,) as applicable, and all other pertinent rules and regulations promulgated pursuant thereto, <br />3 and as otherwise provided by state law and regulations, as all may now exist or be hereafter amended or <br />4 changed. For the purpose of this Nondiscrimination paragraph, Discrimination includes, but is not <br />5 limited to the following based on one or more of the factors identified above: <br />6 1. Denying a client or potential client any service, benefit, or accommodation. <br />7 2. Providing any service or benefit to a client which is different or is provided in a different <br />8 manner or at a different time from that provided to other clients. <br />9 3. Restricting a client in any way in the enjoyment of any advantage or privilege enjoyed by <br />10 others receiving any service or benefit. <br />11 4. Treating a client differently from others in satisfying any admission requirement or <br />12 condition, or eligibility requirement or condition, which individuals must meet in order to be provided <br />13 any service or benefit. <br />14 5. Assignment of times or places for the provision of services. <br />15 C. COMPLAINT PROCESS — CONTRACTOR shall establish procedures for advising all clients <br />16 through a written statement that CONTRACTOR and/or subcontractor's clients may file all complaints <br />17 alleging discrimination in the delivery of services with CONTRACTOR, subcontractor, and <br />18 ADMINISTRATOR or the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' OCR. <br />19 1. Whenever possible, problems shall be resolved informally and at the point of service. <br />20 CONTRACTOR shall establish an internal informal problem resolution process for clients not able to <br />21 resolve such problems at the point of service. Clients may initiate a grievance or complaint directly with <br />22 CONTRACTOR either orally or in writing. <br />23 2. Within the time limits procedurally imposed, the complainant shall be notified in writing as <br />24 to the findings regarding the alleged complaint and, if not satisfied with the decision, may file an appeal. <br />25 D. PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES — CONTRACTOR and/or subcontractor agree to comply <br />26 with the provisions of §504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, (29 USC 794 et seq., as <br />27 implemented in 45 CFR 84.1 et seq.), and the Americans with Disabilities Act of t990 (42 USC 12101 <br />28 et seq.),as applicable, pertaining to the prohibition of discrimination against qualified persons with <br />29 disabilities in all programs or activities; and if applicable, as implemented in Title 45, CFR, §84.1 et <br />30 seq., as they exist now or may be hereafter amended together with succeeding legislation. <br />31 E. RETALIATION —Neither CONTRACTOR nor subcontractor, nor its employees or agents shall <br />32 intimidate, coerce or take adverse action against any person for the purpose of interfering with rights <br />33 secured by federal or state taws, or because such person has filed a complaint, certified, assisted or <br />34 otherwise participated in an investigation, proceeding, hearing or any other activity undertaken to <br />35 enforce rights secured by federal or state law. <br />36 F. In the event of non-compliance with this paragraph or as othetivise provided by federal and <br />37 state law, this Agreement may be canceled, terminated or suspended in whole or in part and <br />18 of 25 <br />'000NTR ACTS -2015 -@015-2020,N•IS'POD-FQuiP.MENT VtAsrca 15-20 nG. DOCX SAN 14MAPOD03 NIIKK20 <br />CII OI' SANTA SVGA <br />