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I B. CONTRACTOR shall ensure appropriate financial records related to cost reporting, <br />2 expenditure, revenue, billings, etc., are prepared and maintained accurately and appropriately. <br />3 C. CONTRACTOR shall ensure all appropriate state and federal standards of documentation, <br />4 preparation, and confidentiality of records related to participant, client and/or patient records are met at <br />5 all times. <br />6 D. CONTRACTOR shall retain all financial records for a minimum of seven (7) years from the <br />7 commencement of the contract, unless a longer period is required due to legal proceedings such as <br />8 litigations and/or settlement of claims. <br />9 E. CONTRACTOR shall make records pertaining to the costs of services, participant fees, charges, <br />10 billings, and revenues available at one (1) location within the limits of the County of Orange. <br />11 F. If CONTRACTOR is unable to meet the record location criteria above, ADMINISTRATOR <br />12 may provide written approval to CONTRACTOR to maintain records in a single location, identified by <br />13 CONTRACTOR. <br />14 0. CONTRACTOR may be required to retain all records involving litigation proceedings and <br />15 settlement of claims for a longer term which will be directed by the ADMINISTRATOR. <br />16 H. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR of any PRA requests related to, or arising out <br />17 of, this Agreement, within forty-eight (48) hours. CONTRACTOR shall provide ADMINISTRATOR <br />18 all information that is requested by the PRA request. <br />19 <br />20 XVII. RESEARCH AND PUBLICATION <br />21 CONTRACTOR shall not utilize information and data received from COUNTY or developed as a <br />22 result of this Agreement for the put -pose of personal publication. <br />23 <br />24 XVIII. RIGHT TO WORK AND MINIMUM WAGE LAWS <br />25 A. In accordance with the United States Irmnigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, <br />26 CONTRACTOR shall require its employees directly or indirectly providing service pursuant to this <br />27 Agreement, in any manner whatsoever, to verify their identity and eligibility for employment in the <br />28 United States. CONTRACTOR shall also require and verify that its contractors, subcontractors, or any <br />29 other persons providing services pursuant to this Agreement, in any manner whatsoever, verify the <br />30 identity of their employees and their eligibility for employment in the United States. <br />31 B. Pursuant to the United States of America Fair Labor Standard Act of 1938, as amended, and <br />32 State of California Labor Code, §1178.5, CONTRACTOR shall pay no less than the greater of the <br />33 federal or California Minimum Wage to all its employees that directly or indirectly provide services <br />34 pursuant to this Agreement, in any manner whatsoever. CONTRACTOR shall require and verity that <br />35 all its contractors or other persons providing services pursuant to this Agreement on behalf of <br />36 CONTRACTOR also pay their employees no less than the greater of the federal or California Minimum <br />37 Wage. <br />20 of 25 <br />X:�CONTRAC'TS -2015 - 2015-202OWSWOD-E.Ru'IPMGNT MAGI HR 15-20 6G.000X SAN 141 APOD03 AIKK20 <br />C1T Of SANTAANA <br />