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I its subcontractors use their best efforts to verify that they are eligible to participate in all federal and <br />2 State of California health programs and have not been excluded or debarred from participation in any <br />3 federal or state health care programs, and to Further represent to CONTRACTOR that they do not have <br />4 any hTeligible Person in their employ or under contract. <br />5 5. Covered Individuals shall be required to disclose to CONTRACTOR immediately any <br />6 debarment, exclusion or other event that makes the Covered Individual an Ineligible Person, <br />7 CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR immediately if a Covered Individual providing <br />g services directly relative to this Agreement becomes debarred, excluded or otherwise becomes an <br />9 Ineligible Person. <br />10 6. CONTRACTOR acknowledges that Ineligible Persons are precluded from providing <br />I I federal and state funded health care services by contract with COUNTY in the event that they are <br />12 currently sanctioned or excluded by a federal or state law enforcement regulatory or licensing agency. <br />13 If CONTRACTOR becomes aware that a Covered Individual has become an Ineligible Person, <br />14 CONTRACTOR shall remove such individual from responsibility for, or involvement with, COUNTY <br />15 business operations related to this Agreement. <br />16 7. CONTRACTOR shall notify ADMINISTRATOR immediately if a Covered Individual or <br />17 entity is currently excluded, suspended or debarred, or is identified as such atter being sanction <br />18 screened. Such individual or entity shall be immediately removed from participating in any activity <br />19 associated with this Agreement. ADMINISTRATOR will determine appropriate repayment from, or <br />20 sanction(s) to CONTRACTOR for services provided by ineligible person or individual. <br />21 CONTRACTOR shall promptly return any overpayments within forty-five (45) business days after the <br />22 overpayment is verified by the ADMINISTRATOR. <br />23 C. COMPLIANCE TRAINING — ADMINISTRATOR shall make General Compliance Training <br />24 and Provider Compliance Training, where appropriate, available to Covered Individuals, <br />25 1. CONTRACTOR shall use its best efforts to encourage completion by Covered Individuals; <br />26 provided, however, that at a minimum CONTRACTOR shall assign at least one (1) designated <br />27 representative to complete all Compliance Trainings when offered. <br />28 2. Such training will be made available to Covered Individuals within thirty (30) calendar <br />29 days of employment or engagement. <br />30 3. Such training will be made available to each Covered Individual annually. <br />31 4. Each Covered Individual attending training shall certify, in writing, attendance at <br />32 compliance training. CONTRACTOR shall retain the certifications. Upon written request by <br />33 ADMINISTRATOR, CONTRACTOR shall provide copies of the certifications. <br />34 D. MEDICAL BILLING, CODING, AND DOCUMENTATION COMPLIANCE STANDARDS <br />35 1. CONTRACTOR shall take reasonable precaution to ensure that the coding of health care <br />36 claims, billings and/or invoices for same are prepared and submitted in an accurate and timely manner <br />37 and are consistent with federal, state and county laws and regulations. <br />7 of 25 <br />xdC'ONTRACTS.2015-X2015-2020:i�,IS�P00.10umMLNTNlAs7EIt I5-20BG, DOCX SAN 14MAPOD03M RUC20 <br />C1'IY 01 SANTA ANA <br />